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Showing posts from 2019

Israel ... yet again.

Suzanne, You are a texbook example of what happens when Americans are relentlessly and effectively propagandized. It's not really your fault, or the fault of the millions just like you also propagandized. Ronald Reagan's Neoconservative CIA director Wm Casey infamously said, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." This is the source of your false "patriotically manipulated" belief. From GHW Bush, through Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, and Trump, the Deep State and its Media partners have "prepped" you to accept as justified some criminal military action against an Arab/Muslim nation in the Mideast. And if a propagandized American populace and the serial commission of war crimes -- and they were/are all war crimes -- isn't by itself horrifying enough, there's one more massively unpleasant factor in this tragedy that is so central that it cannot be, it ...

Comment to Middle East Eye, 24 December 2019, Israel says filing error to blame for strike that killed nine members of al-Sawarka family

Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress, and America is Israel's bitch. Both are criminals in the crimes of Zionism. No crime has "a right to exist". No criminal cabal has "the right to defend itself" or resort to violence when the "police" arrive to end the criminal activity and arrest the criminals. The Zionist project should surrender to a competent authority for adjudication of the matter and the Palestinians should return to Palestine and recover possession of all that was taken from them, while all the Jews which choose to leave should leave, and those that choose to stay and live in peace, and who were not directly involved as principals in Zionist crimes, should petition the Palestinians to be allowed to do so, and the Palestinians should agree.

Comment to "What's the 'Caesar Act' in Trump's $738bn defence policy bill?", Middle East Eye, 12/23/2019

Always remember this is a war on Syria using America-as-Israel's-bitch on behalf of Israel. Never forget the millions killed, tortured, lives destroyed, cities reduced to rubble, and refugee driven from their homes post-911 by the US, in Syria, Afghanistan, and in the ILLEGAL -- as in WAR CRIME -- Iraq war. Remember also that prior to the build-out of the Cheney-led US torture program, the US sent "suspect" Arabs they had "kidnapped" -- ie "extraordinary rendition" -- to Syria and Egypt to be tortured for the US. Every death and act of torture and refugee is the direct result and responsibility of Israel and their US stooge. And this article simply demonstrates that the Syrian war -- a bleeding crime of unrelenting death and misery -- continues to this day, having transitioned from a failed criminal regime-change effort to a "forever war" whose purpose is the continuing destruction of Syria as a competent and viable society. Like Ir...

Comment censored from Truthdig's 10-8-2019 "Donald Trump's Iran Humiliation" Response to: Harold Smith    Myia Mcmillian   •   a day ago Nonsense. There WAS outrage against Obama If not for Truthdig's partisan Trump-hate, this article might have been entitled "John Bolton's Iran Humiliation". Meanwhile, I find your comment a bit harsh. I voted for Trump to burn down Washington -- ie Drain the Swamp -- and to end the pointless wars-for-profit (and for Israel). But I give him a bit more slack than you do on ending the wars, considering the obstruction he has faced -- Russia! Russia! Russia! etc -- from the Establishment & Deep State. The Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams Neocon regime-change foreign policy aggressiveness has been difficult to stomach. The best excuse I can give Trump on that is that these psychopathic war-mongers make excellent "bad cops" in a "good cop/bad cop" strategy. And of course Bolton, the worst and most hated of the...

Zionist censored post to Paul Pillar's Essay in The National Interest , October 11, 2019

This article is so wrong in so many ways, primarily stemming from the divorced-from-reality founding narrative. Right from the start: "The reported procedure ..." I read the link; there is no "reported procedure" mentioned ... through which Trump reached the decision is hard to defend." The unreported procedure is actually easy to defend. When Trump ran for office he said he would get the US out of ill-conceived, disastrous -- and criminal, though Trump didn't use that term -- wars in the mideast, with the one exception being that he would destroy ISIS. While he was supported in his successful campaign to destroy ISIS, he was obstructed from his withdrawal efforts. So now, after two and a half years of "procedure" and several false starts blocked by the usual supporters of "forever war", he has asserted his C-in-C authority, got the situation moving forward, away from the frozen status quo, and executed at least a partial...

Censored comment to the article in The National Interest "Israel Uses Its Firepower, Far and Wide"

After several attempts to post the following comment to: Only to have it marked as spam and deleted by hasbarist aYid, I'm posting it here to preserve it and keep it available. This sort of hasbara is yet another element of the Zionist pathology which, in the final analysis is completely consistent with the five-thousand year unrelenting Jewish effort at suicide-by-Goy. Modern Israel as with ancient Israel is its own existential threat. The feature of Jewish culture which makes anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism both predictable and justifiable is the identification of all non-Jews as "The Other" bent on Jewish annihilation, as a precondition and justification for unrelenting aggression against them. It also creates the self-fulfilling prophecy of inevitable "push-back" again Jewish aggression. Finally, the hasbara, originating as it does from a self-s...

Zionism's fateful trajectory

The following was posted to the Lobe Log on August 31, 2019, in response to Israel’s One-State Reality Is Sowing Chaos In American Politics AUGUST 29, 2019 I'm an American and jew, but am ***TOTALLY*** opposed to Zionism and the Zionist project, Israel.  Israel is a mistake. The belief held by the overwhelming majority of the US Jewish community in the just nature and legitimacy of Israel ***is a mistake***.  Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress and can only end badly.  It is essentially the next holocaust -- the next reaction against Jewish abuse of non-jews -- in the making. As a jew, I wish it weren't so.  I wish the jews would recognize their error and change course.  But five-thousand years of exploiting non-jews and refusing to treat them as anything but "the other", has had a consistent and predictable result, and I see zero likelihood that the jews will recognize the problem and break from their self-destructive habit. It has been apparen...

America: Israel's bitch.

This is the comment posted to The National Interest.           ************************************* I don't see any commenters here who "get it". It's not about oil. It's not about nukes. It's all about Israel. It's the Oded Yinon plan. It's about America being Israel's bitch, and America thus subverted being used to destroy all of Israel's enemies ... so that Israel doesn't have to. AIPAC owns congress, and the State Department, the US foreign policy shop, is controlled by the Neocon agents of Israel. Which explains why the centerpiece of American foreign policy is the Neocon Wolfowitz Doctrine (Google it): Full Spectrum Dominance, the American jackboot poised over the throat of every nation on the planet ... forever. America: Israel's pitbull bitch ... forever ... or at least until America is used up, having spent every last taxpayer dollar on its military ... for the defense of Israel. Is...

the crypto-entrepreneurial renaissance

The SEC is essentially a criminal organization. It has comprehensively betrayed its mandate to become a textbook example of Regulatory Capture, and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street, City of London, the Rothschild Group, et al. Though FDR sought to create it for the purpose of restoring confidence in the US capital markets and protecting investors, it was never really about that. The Wall Street criminals FDR hired for that purpose simply built a monopoly for themselves so that they could have exclusive control of global money flows I submit as evidence of the SEC's criminality its 'asleep at the switch' performance in failing to police the Wall Street investment banks in their issuance of Mortgage-Backed Securities leading up to the 2008 housing market meltdown. They are now the enforcement arm of international capital's monopoly on global money flows. No one can issue a security -- under threat of financial destruction and/or imprisonment -- unless ...

***Their*** door

The door they are "pounding on" is   * **their*** door. They want their home back. The one you stole from them by murder, rape, and the threat of more of the same. You may have hoodwinked the rest of the world into accepting these crimes, by controlling the media and using it to impose your phony "victim" narrative. But that ended with the emergence of the internet and the smart-phone and its camera. The information stream has been set free. The truth has been set free. The Zionist criminal narrative and the Zionist mythology of "the poor long-suffering Jews" returning to home and safety, to "a land without people, for a people without land" -- and other such nonsense -- now confronts reality and truth. And confronted with the truth, it fails. "Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?" never works, not even for those as powerful and effective as the Zionists. Perhaps another approach than stealing, murdering, and ly...

The movement to free Julian Assange

In response to a similar comment by  ISHKABIBBLE   /   FEBRUARY 18, 2019 on Caitlin Johnstone's Website: I am comprehensively in agreement with you. For the last two or three years, I have entertained the same idea. So let me now expand on your — and my — suggestion. First of all, this undertaking should be done completely out in the open. There should be no secrecy involved. It should be a mass, overt, worldwide effort, with invitations to assemble in London for the event sent out to all those who support Assange. There should be no question whatsoever that it is an in-your-face repudiation and challenge to the British “Establishment”/Deep State. The action would be nothing less than a “Declaration of Independence” issued by the people of the world against the craven and unlawful imprisonment of by the UK...

Cross-post back-up to The Algemeiner, 1/26/2019

I posted the comment below to this article in the Algmeiner: New York Times Columnist Cheers for Boycotting Israel It has been "flagged" for moderation, and I expect it will be removed, so I have preserved it here. Here's the comment:                     ************************************      The Zionists will have all of Israel and "Arab rein" at that. Like all criminals, Zionists remain convinced of their "innocence", and then ferociously broadcast across the Western world the insane justifications for their crimes, forcing their mind-rape on others, threatening the destruction of the lives and careers, in politics, business, the media, or academia, of anyone who dares to speak the truth. Ms. Alexander shows her courage by daring to point this out. These criminals will ***NEVER*** acknowledge their crimes. Never. No matter. The world bears witness. Who are you going to believe, the Zionists, or you...

The Zio-Mind-F*ck "Moderated" from AW.C 1/17/2019

The Zionists -- all of them, all across the world -- in furtherance of Zionist criminality -- are experts at disinformation, distraction, delay, and diversion -- or, to coin a phrase: The Zio-Mind-F*ck. ***Israel's*** channel 13 broadcasts some bs, and immediately the Goyim start "discussing" it as if it was something real, rather than just the next chapter in the ongoing effort to keep the Goyim fussing about, as the Zionist plan progresses, unimpeded. In "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" the villagers eventually caught on. The Goyim are slower. As deganawida writes, "Israel wants it all-100%". Exactly. And they will have it all, eventually, and "Arab rein" to boot. But if the pattern of five-thousand years of history is any indication, the Zionist zealots, unable to restrain themselves, will overreach, and once again suffer some form of "setback". ADDENDUM: You can see my lengthy exchange -- some of it at least -- with the ...

The peril of divided loyalty

How do you characterize someone who betrays? A "betrayer"? No, the commonly used, and just as commonly accepted term, is "traitor". A number of social commentators have tried to make the case that the meaning of "traitor" is illegitimate when extended beyond the legal meaning. But the meaning conferred by common usage is far more frequently intended, and consequently not just legitimate, but more legitimate. The American Jewish community has been hoodwinked by the Zionist leadership into unwittingly betraying the US. The US is the country of their citizenship, the country that gave them the right to live and act and prosper, free of prejudice. Yet they have turned away from loyalty to the US in favor of a foreign country, Israel, which has pursued its own interests at the expense of the US. If Israel is not an enemy of the US, it is most certainly a ruthless predator, willing to comprehensively victimize an "ally", an ally so subverte...