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Comment to "What's the 'Caesar Act' in Trump's $738bn defence policy bill?", Middle East Eye, 12/23/2019

Always remember this is a war on Syria using America-as-Israel's-bitch on behalf of Israel. Never forget the millions killed, tortured, lives destroyed, cities reduced to rubble, and refugee driven from their homes post-911 by the US, in Syria, Afghanistan, and in the ILLEGAL -- as in WAR CRIME -- Iraq war.
Remember also that prior to the build-out of the Cheney-led US torture program, the US sent "suspect" Arabs they had "kidnapped" -- ie "extraordinary rendition" -- to Syria and Egypt to be tortured for the US.
Every death and act of torture and refugee is the direct result and responsibility of Israel and their US stooge. And this article simply demonstrates that the Syrian war -- a bleeding crime of unrelenting death and misery -- continues to this day, having transitioned from a failed criminal regime-change effort to a "forever war" whose purpose is the continuing destruction of Syria as a competent and viable society. Like Iraq, lIbya, (and work-in-progress Iran), the Zionist-subverted US must obey its masters and destroy all who oppose Israeli/Zionist criminality

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