You are a texbook example of what happens when Americans are relentlessly and effectively propagandized. It's not really your fault, or the fault of the millions just like you also propagandized.
Ronald Reagan's Neoconservative CIA director Wm Casey infamously said, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
This is the source of your false "patriotically manipulated" belief. From GHW Bush, through Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, and Trump, the Deep State and its Media partners have "prepped" you to accept as justified some criminal military action against an Arab/Muslim nation in the Mideast. And if a propagandized American populace and the serial commission of war crimes -- and they were/are all war crimes -- isn't by itself horrifying enough, there's one more massively unpleasant factor in this tragedy that is so central that it cannot be, it must not be, kept secret and hidden from view. Yet it is so toxic, "a truth too dangerous to be spoken" -- that no one "with a life" dares to say it. But I'm old, retired, safe, and live far, far away, so I can say it with little risk.
America's wars in the Mideast are all part of the Oded Yinon Plan, the Zionist plan going forward for Israeli security in their region. I'm also a Jew, and so free to speak the truth about my fellow Jews without worry of being accused of being an anti-Semite. (I mean they can certainly try to smear me that way, but it's a tough sell for obvious reasons, and in any event I don't give a damn.)
All the violence, all the money spent/wasted, all the loss of life by Americans and everyone else, is
***done for Israel and at the direction of the Zionist agents who have subverted the US govt and turned the US into Israel's "tool".***
(Usually I just say "America is Israel's bitch", but here I employ less inflammatory language.)
AIPAC has bought the US Congress, and the Neocons -- Israeli agents -- run the State Department, which is to say US foreign policy. As evidence of just how complete the subversion is, note that the centerpiece of US foreign policy is The Wolfowitz Doctrine, an operational policy so toxic -- monstrous, actually -- that when first issued, had to be withdraw and redrafted to "soften" its criminality. Google it for a thorough treatment, but basically it states that America must rule the world from here on out, and to accomplish that the American jackboot must be credibly poised "to stomp on the world's face" from now till the end of time. Though that's a "paraphrase", it is exactly the gist.
And this subversion is the work of the Neocons, Zionists, Israelis, the Israeli lobby AIPAC, and sadly, tragically the American Jewish community. America's Jewish community has been hood-winked into thinking that Israel is a good thing and not the geopolitical crime-in-progress that it is. And it is on the basis of this mistaken belief that the Americaan Jewish community has been made complicit in both Zionist crimes and the ruthless -- treasnous actually -- exploitation of their host country and the non-Jewish US, on behalf of criminal Israel. As with so many national, ethnic, or religious groups, the Jews have power-addicted psychopaths at the top of their cultural hierarchy whose impulse to domination and easy resort to violence lead the decent and compassionate regular folks to grief. The power-mad monsters at the top bring death and destruction to their "subjects, the little people".
In truth, Israel is an enemy of the US -- and of justice in the world -- and 300 million non-Jewish Americans will inevitably awaken to that sad and tragic reality. When they do, it will not bode well -- as it has repeateldy not gone well for five-thousand years -- for Israel and the US Jewish community.
Sadly, my fellow Jews are more likely to proceed stubbornly to the next "holocaust" than to see the fault and change their ways.