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***Their*** door

The door they are "pounding on" is ***their*** door. They want their home back. The one you stole from them by murder, rape, and the threat of more of the same.
You may have hoodwinked the rest of the world into accepting these crimes, by controlling the media and using it to impose your phony "victim" narrative. But that ended with the emergence of the internet and the smart-phone and its camera. The information stream has been set free. The truth has been set free.
The Zionist criminal narrative and the Zionist mythology of "the poor long-suffering Jews" returning to home and safety, to "a land without people, for a people without land" -- and other such nonsense -- now confronts reality and truth. And confronted with the truth, it fails. "Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?" never works, not even for those as powerful and effective as the Zionists.
Perhaps another approach than stealing, murdering, and lying is in order. Most particularly in the current situation where the spectacle of stealing, lying, and murdering becomes brazen, undeniable, and unapologetic in full view of the entire world.
There's a form of insanity on display when you assassinate unarmed Gazan protesters -- "Hamas terrorists" you scream -- and bomb the open-air concentration camp you have created for them, killing them by the hundreds for the phony "crime" of resisting your actual crime. The world sees this lethal psychopathic criminality for what it is. The world sees the truth.
Then you come and try to peddle your blood-drenched narrative here? Here? Really? Wow! That's either incredibly nervy, or incredibly insane.
Fine. Hang around while we beat on your criminal madness with the truth. At AW.C we like out Punchbowl-of-Truth with a bare minimum of turds. Drink up!


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