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The Zio-Mind-F*ck "Moderated" from AW.C 1/17/2019

The Zionists -- all of them, all across the world -- in furtherance of Zionist criminality -- are experts at disinformation, distraction, delay, and diversion -- or, to coin a phrase: The Zio-Mind-F*ck. ***Israel's*** channel 13 broadcasts some bs, and immediately the Goyim start "discussing" it as if it was something real, rather than just the next chapter in the ongoing effort to keep the Goyim fussing about, as the Zionist plan progresses, unimpeded. In "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" the villagers eventually caught on. The Goyim are slower. As deganawida writes, "Israel wants it all-100%". Exactly. And they will have it all, eventually, and "Arab rein" to boot. But if the pattern of five-thousand years of history is any indication, the Zionist zealots, unable to restrain themselves, will overreach, and once again suffer some form of "setback".


You can see my lengthy exchange -- some of it at least -- with the moderator regarding his self-indulgent, self-important interference in freedom of expression here on AW.C. Fine. There is dog sh*t in the world, it's just part of reality, one needs to watch where they step. But in the process of harassing me for speaking the truth in my own terms, he has revealed the source of "his problem" with my post. I commonly used, the Jewish term used by ***some*** Jews to describe non-Jews as sub-human "cattle" put on the earth to serve the Jews. A common term widely used and widely known. Thomas describes it as an ethnic slur. Fair enough. Thomas avers thereby that ***some of*** the Jews by their common usage of the term, are supremacist bigots. That works for me. Now that I know Thomas's problem with my post, I can "sanitize" it to make it "acceptable" to the censor. Here it is, sanitized as indicated by [bracketed] content: The Zionists -- all of them, all across the world -- in furtherance of Zionist criminality -- are experts at disinformation, distraction, delay, and diversion -- or, to coin a phrase: The Zio-Mind-F*ck. ***Israel's*** channel 13 broadcasts some bs, and immediately the [the Jewish term used by ***some*** Jews to describe non-Jews as sub-human "cattle" put on the earth to serve the Jews] start "discussing" it as if it was something real, rather than just the next chapter in the ongoing effort to keep the [the Jewish term used by ***some*** Jews to describe non-Jews as sub-human "cattle" put on the earth to serve the Jews] fussing about, as the Zionist plan progresses, unimpeded. In "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" the villagers eventually caught on. The [the Jewish term used by ***some*** Jews to describe non-Jews as sub-human "cattle" put on the earth to serve the Jews] are slower. As deganawida writes, "Israel wants it all-100%". Exactly. And they will have it all, eventually, and "Arab rein" to boot. But if the pattern of five-thousand years of history is any indication, the Zionist zealots, unable to restrain themselves, will overreach, and once again suffer some form of "setback".


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