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Cross-post back-up to The Algemeiner, 1/26/2019

I posted the comment below to this article in the Algmeiner:

New York Times Columnist Cheers for Boycotting Israel

It has been "flagged" for moderation, and I expect it will be removed, so I have preserved it here.
Here's the comment:
The Zionists will have all of Israel and "Arab rein" at that.
Like all criminals, Zionists remain convinced of their "innocence", and then ferociously broadcast across the Western world the insane justifications for their crimes, forcing their mind-rape on others, threatening the destruction of the lives and careers, in politics, business, the media, or academia, of anyone who dares to speak the truth. Ms. Alexander shows her courage by daring to point this out.
These criminals will ***NEVER*** acknowledge their crimes. Never. No matter. The world bears witness. Who are you going to believe, the Zionists, or your lying eyes?" So inevitably, this will end badly for the criminals, as it has repeatedly -- and predictably -- for the last five-thousand years. A belief in racial supremacy and the license to prey on others not of "the tribe", that this confers, is not sustainable long term.
Those blinded by the mind-rape will of course, each in their own way, strenuously object, as demonstrated in the comments here. It cannot be avoided. But for the record, I'm an American and a Jew, just not a criminal Zionist or an apologist for criminal Zionism, or an accomplice. And to my fellow Jews, the 
American Jewish community in particular, I have a warning: Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress, Israel is a mistake. Do not allow yourself to remain hoodwinked into complicity in that crime/mistake. In doing so you are helping to build the next holocaust. Step back, see the truth, fix the problem.
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