Response to:
If not for Truthdig's partisan Trump-hate, this article might have been entitled "John Bolton's Iran Humiliation".
Meanwhile, I find your comment a bit harsh.
I voted for Trump to burn down Washington -- ie Drain the Swamp -- and to end the pointless wars-for-profit (and for Israel). But I give him a bit more slack than you do on ending the wars, considering the obstruction he has faced -- Russia! Russia! Russia! etc -- from the Establishment & Deep State.
The Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams Neocon regime-change foreign policy aggressiveness has been difficult to stomach. The best excuse I can give Trump on that is that these psychopathic war-mongers make excellent "bad cops" in a "good cop/bad cop" strategy. And of course Bolton, the worst and most hated of the bunch, is now booted in disgrace, giving Trump a boost, and allowing him to blame Bolton for the failures of the "Bolton Doctrine" foreign policy.
I understand your disappointment (and your outrage), but I suggest you wait to see what Trump does in the coming year, before passing final judgement. Trump has a fierce desire to win, and knows how. I suspect that, in order to secure his reelection he will demonstrate strategically excellent timing by drawing down the wars in the home stretch to election day.