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Censored comment to the article in The National Interest "Israel Uses Its Firepower, Far and Wide"

After several attempts to post the following comment to:

Only to have it marked as spam and deleted by hasbarist aYid, I'm posting it here to preserve it and keep it available.

This sort of hasbara is yet another element of the Zionist pathology which, in the final analysis is completely consistent with the five-thousand year unrelenting Jewish effort at suicide-by-Goy. Modern Israel as with ancient Israel is its own existential threat.
The feature of Jewish culture which makes anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism both predictable and justifiable is the identification of all non-Jews as "The Other" bent on Jewish annihilation, as a precondition and justification for unrelenting aggression against them. It also creates the self-fulfilling prophecy of inevitable "push-back" again Jewish aggression.
Finally, the hasbara, originating as it does from a self-serving mythology, alienates its practitioners from reality, inducing a form of insanity. This insanity severely compromises one's ability to act rationally and effectively in one's self-defense.
The end is coming for Israel. While nuclear weapons get all the press, the real threat comes from (relatively) cheaply produced conventional missile technology, now equipped with pin-point accuracy guidance systems. These guidance systems are now being manufactured by the thousands, and the inventory of unguided missiles is being retro-fitted. Launched by the thousands at Israel's military assets, they will overwhelm Israel's anti-missile defenses and cripple Israel's defensive capability, bringing about the end of Israel.
The current perception of Israeli security and invincibility is an illusion. The coming defeat of Israel will be swift, and because of the strength of the hasbara narrative, it will take almost everyone by surprise.
For the record, I'm an American and a Jew, just not a hasbara-disabled Jewish tribal criminal.
It doesn't have to be this way. But us-them tribalism -- the 5000 year unrelenting practice of the Jews -- can only lead, as it has always predictably led, to one end. So it will be yet again if the Jews don't come to their senses, which they will not.


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