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The (((truth)))) you are not allowed to tell.

Below is my reply to a “Jackie Chiles for president”  comment to this article on Here is the "Jackie Chiles for president" comment: "Anyone that's not Russian on here, or paid by the Chinese? This place is scary, can we at least add a few pacifists, Nazi's, nihilist's and communists to balance the dialogue? RFK? I'm not even sure what he is. I'm against senseless wars and wasted national budgets to fund a war for elitist interests too but not at the cost of a world run by Xi and Putin. If you cheer lead those clowns, seek help. "What kind of an idiot are you? Where does this insane hostility towards Xi and Putin come from? ... that you've swallowed hook line and sinker?" ... and below is my response.  The issue which provokes my preserving and publishing the comment here is the series of triple parentheses, which are indications that
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Dreaming of the blessed end of Israel

I posted this to Anti-War dot com on 11/29/2023, in response to the Hasbarist comment by Mirrors Edge that leads the comments section: As it is clearly "inflammatory", I suspect that it may be expunged by the "moderator", so I am preserving it here.                 ***************************************** As he should. Hamas has been taking every reasonable measure to reduce if not eliminate civilian casualties in their counter-terrorism and anti-genocide operations against the terrorist and genocidal organization known as Israel that deliberately attempts to exterminate the Palestinians and bears full responsibility for every casualty that has occurred in this 100-year terrorist and genocidal conflict of choice. It can be recalled that the treasonous U.S. government stooges repeatedly state that “As long as America Exists, It Will Be Israel's Bitch”, so as such

Comments to Daniel Davis' article in 19fortyfive, Oct 26, 2022

What follows is a series of replies to  comments to this article: I suspect they may be removed by the moderator for the usual reason that they strike to close to the truth ... the truth that in many places may not be spoken. Yet another divorced from reality victim of Western propaganda. The “NATO-trained” Ukrainian army entered t he Russian artillerey kill zone and was destroyed. The replacement forces are Ukrainian taxi drivers and reflagged Polish and Romanian troops, cannon fodder headed yet again into the kill zone. Meanwhile, the Neocon/US/UK sanctions war against Russia has failed catastrophically with the US and EU cratering economically. The European people — in contrast to their vassal governments — are in open revolt, and the disintegration of NATO and the EU looms. Winter will close the deal. Ukraine will be conquered. Unconditional surrender ***OF UKRAINE*** will be the end

The solution to Ukraine: SURRENDER

In response to First Post's article :   Grand Waste? UK's £130 Billion Plan to Subsidise Energy Bills ... where they ask the question,   "Does the UK have an easy way out of this mess?" Well perhaps not very easy, but simple, straightforward and quick ... yes. Here's how: Confess the truth and take the medicine. The UK and Europe are "vassal" states of the Neocon-controlled US. The Neocons have an incandescent hatred of and passionate commitment to the destruction Russia that dates back a thousand years. Having taken over the US and installed the Wolfowitz Doctrine as the centerpiece of US foreign policy, the Neocons employ the power of the US, instrumentalized by NATO -- ie all of Europe -- as the military instrument to destroy Russia. But the Neocon's blind hatred has deprived them of rationality and miscalculated Russia's ability to defend itself, and more importantl
Yet another comment critical of Israel and its tribal criminal accomplices, removed by the "moderator" at This was comment in response to "jake", to    Israel’s Bennet Warns There are Non-Peaceful Ways to Deal With Iran , 10/13/2021.   No surprise of course.  We live in the Age of Censorship and cancellation, so must be careful lest it be "disappeared".                              ************************************************ Jake = Jacob = just another hasbarist. "Israel is a free country." No. " Israel is a democracy." No. Zionism is a criminal ideology, perpetuating itself through the purchase and coercion of governments and concealing its evil behind an indisputably brilliant global program of sanitizing propaganda. Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress. No crime has "a right to exist". No criminal enterprise has "a right to defend itself ". It has a right to surrender to a compet

Posted and then" removed" from comments to "Biden’s Top Asia Official Says US Engagement With China Is Over" at

  Thomas, Why was this removed when first posted? Is it the Unz reference or link? If you will point out the problem, I will fix it. Or perhaps it wasn't you, but rather the same unseen hand that has "automatically", almost comprehensively, removed/cancelled/disappeared The Unz Review commentary from all social media ... and perhaps now Disqus as well? ****************** Here's the original post, with the Unz link replaced by the essay's title. ******************** "The" lab? Which lab is "the" lab? You of course mean the Wuhan lab, but really, is that "the" lab? How about the North Carolina lab that Fauci admitted in Congressional testimony was doing Gain of Function research on bat corona viruses? This discussion is infuriatingly -- despairingly might be a better descriptive -- infected by propagandized biases and media-generated, "perception management" reality alienation. Angry as I am -- I'm tempted to slam all you

Origins of Covid

Posted to the comments section of Genetic Literacy Project (and then almost immediately removed as Spam.  But then almost immediately reposted and marked as ***NOT SPAM***.)  An aspect of this matter that has not been covered/mentioned, even by Ron Unz in his review: Twenty years ago, witnessing the rise of China with double digit GDP growth, and the rapid Neoliberal transfer of manufacturing to China, I thought to myself that the US could only recover competitiveness and the US jobs that were then being moved to China, in (***only***) one of two ways: (1) Nuke China "back to the stone age" (radical in the extreme, as well as "impractical" because of China's nuclear deterrent, and because the barbaric severity would have correspondingly severe global political implications). Clearly too