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Dreaming of the blessed end of Israel

I posted this to Anti-War dot com on 11/29/2023, in response to the Hasbarist comment by Mirrors Edge that leads the comments section:

As it is clearly "inflammatory", I suspect that it may be expunged by the "moderator", so I am preserving it here.


As he should. Hamas has been taking every reasonable measure to reduce if not eliminate civilian casualties in their counter-terrorism and anti-genocide operations against the terrorist and genocidal organization known as Israel that deliberately attempts to exterminate the Palestinians and bears full responsibility for every casualty that has occurred in this 100-year terrorist and genocidal conflict of choice. It can be recalled that the treasonous U.S. government stooges repeatedly state that “As long as America Exists, It Will Be Israel's Bitch”, so as such the future for the Israeli and U.S. partnership in global terrorism and genocide seems only bright.

Fixed that for you.

You are a disgusting sh!tstain on humanity and a criminal accomplice in the Murdering Liars/Lying Murderers' project for world domination.

To quote Bob Dylan:

" ... I hope that you die
And your death will come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I’ll stand over your grave
Til I’m sure that you’re dead"


A final note: How this will play out is uncertain. Many world actors are working feverously to prevent it from exploding into a wider war. They may very well succeed.

I hope they fail. I hope the Neocon-dominated husk of a US President and the treasonous Ziobitch of a Congress go into full slavish obsequious mode to their Zionist monster masters and provide unlimited "support" for the resumption of the genocidal effort to exterminate the Palestinians "Root and Branch". Go for it!

With the result that the rest of the world turns its back on criminal Israel as the Arab and Muslim masses rise up and ***FINALLY*** erase the Zionist cancer -- they now possess the military means to do it -- from the pages of history.

Then at last we may have a chance at peace in the world.


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