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Comments to Daniel Davis' article in 19fortyfive, Oct 26, 2022

What follows is a series of replies to  comments to this article:

I suspect they may be removed by the moderator for the usual reason that they strike to close to the truth ... the truth that in many places may not be spoken.

Yet another divorced from reality victim of Western propaganda.

The “NATO-trained” Ukrainian army entered t he Russian artillerey kill zone and was destroyed. The replacement forces are Ukrainian taxi drivers and reflagged Polish and Romanian troops, cannon fodder headed yet again into the kill zone. Meanwhile, the Neocon/US/UK sanctions war against Russia has failed catastrophically with the US and EU cratering economically. The European people — in contrast to their vassal governments — are in open revolt, and the disintegration of NATO and the EU looms.

Winter will close the deal. Ukraine will be conquered. Unconditional surrender ***OF UKRAINE*** will be the endpoint.

Reality! What a concept.

The only question: Will the Neocon tyranny that brought the world to this pass end with a “whimper” or with a nuclear “bang”?

Interesting times.


And what do you find there? You find a clear accounting of the proportion of people persuaded by the dominance of Western propaganda. Propaganda that turns reality on its head.

The SMO destroyed the NATO-trained Ukrainian army, but failed to persuade the Neocon-vassalized West to stand down. Instead, they doubled down. Now Russia is amassing a half-million man army to finish the job. And finish it they will.

When the reality of US/EU economic collapse and military defeat sweeps away the propaganda veil there’s gonna be some serious cognitive dissonance.

The good news: a new world is being born. The Neocon tyranny is coming to an end.


Up until now Russia’s full military strength it has been held in reserve. Putin’s approach has been deliberately gradual and incremental, attempting to achieve security for Russia while minimizing Ukrainian destruction, and Russian and Ukrainian loss of life. Sadly, the Neocon tyranny is obsessive about destroying and looting Russia, and refuses to accept the reality of inevitable defeat and stand down. So Russia, with overwhelming military capability in the region, now accepts that the only solution is the comprehensive defeat of NATO on the territory of Ukraine and the conquest of all of Ukraine. To that end they are amassing a half-million man army to finish the job.

Ukraine will cease to exist before the Spring thaw.

All your faux-scholarly analytical blabber out of Neocon think tanks may lead you and the rest of the propaganda-gulled to believe in an alternate reality, but it will have zero effect on Russian tanks, artillery, precision-guide missiles and air power.

Of course it goes without saying that nothing can penetrate your alternate reality. That said, the sun will rise and set, and we will see what reality has in store when the daffodils bloom.


It’s not about you being Democrat or Republican, it’s about you being a supporter of Neocon psychopathology — CSIS, Wolfowitz Doctrine — of world domination. For the moment — and dangerously — the Neocons are now in complete control of the US, running the show behind the life-long political-mediocrity-now-cognitively-incompetent-Presidential seat-warmer. The mid-terms may moderate that. And while the war party is bipartisan, the GOP will not want to own the coming Ukrainian Neocon defeat.

You do blabber at length about irrelevancies … all that “weapons for Ukraine” kabuki. Ukraine will cease to exist long before any of those weapons become available. (But not before all the MIC contracts are signed and checks cashed.)

[Parenthetically, I’m a full-blooded Askenazi, just not a Neocon criminal. You?]


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