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Posted and then" removed" from comments to "Biden’s Top Asia Official Says US Engagement With China Is Over" at


Why was this removed when first posted? Is it the Unz reference or link? If you will point out the problem, I will fix it.

Or perhaps it wasn't you, but rather the same unseen hand that has "automatically", almost comprehensively, removed/cancelled/disappeared The Unz Review commentary from all social media ... and perhaps now Disqus as well?


Here's the original post, with the Unz link replaced by the essay's title.


"The" lab? Which lab is "the" lab? You of course mean the Wuhan lab, but really, is that "the" lab?

How about the North Carolina lab that Fauci admitted in Congressional testimony was doing Gain of Function research on bat corona viruses?

This discussion is infuriatingly -- despairingly might be a better descriptive -- infected by propagandized biases and media-generated, "perception management" reality alienation.

Angry as I am -- I'm tempted to slam all you guys as being unbearably stupid -- but I can't, because we live in a post-truth era with everyone victimized by spook-and-media executed "brain rape" on behalf of the ruling class. So everyone is blameless in their confusion.

Recall what William Casey, Ronald Reagon's CIA Director said: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."


Does anyone believe that our war-mongering death merchants would ever willingly give up their quest for world conquest by any means, ie a bioweapon, if a bioweapon looked to be enabling?

When The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) entered into force on 26 March 1975, those death merchants would have modified their approach, and rebranded bioweapons development as Gain of Function research, "explaining" it as necessary, as "defensive", as permitted. As a means of "understanding the danger and preparing a defense against a (real or manufactured) epidemic." After all, those sneaky commies were certainly going to take advantage, and continue THEIR evil work ... in secret. (Talk about projection!)

Enter psychopathic death merchant Pompeo under Trump: first as CIA Director and then as Sec of State.

So if you want to talk investigations and lack of cooperation, try getting samples and a full record of the GoF research, from the Carolina lab and the Wuhan lab, (and the Mossad labs), in order to compare the genetic codes of the bat corona viruses of the various samples to those of the Wuhan and Iranian outbreaks. Then, having attempted this ***genuinely comprehensive*** investigation -- not just a fraudulent investigation designed to brand China responsible -- then, we can talk about "cooperation", and "falsifiability".

Till then, I'm going with Ron Unz and so should you: Breaking the Silence on the Origins of Covid-19

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