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Showing posts from March, 2019

the crypto-entrepreneurial renaissance

The SEC is essentially a criminal organization. It has comprehensively betrayed its mandate to become a textbook example of Regulatory Capture, and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street, City of London, the Rothschild Group, et al. Though FDR sought to create it for the purpose of restoring confidence in the US capital markets and protecting investors, it was never really about that. The Wall Street criminals FDR hired for that purpose simply built a monopoly for themselves so that they could have exclusive control of global money flows I submit as evidence of the SEC's criminality its 'asleep at the switch' performance in failing to police the Wall Street investment banks in their issuance of Mortgage-Backed Securities leading up to the 2008 housing market meltdown. They are now the enforcement arm of international capital's monopoly on global money flows. No one can issue a security -- under threat of financial destruction and/or imprisonment -- unless ...

***Their*** door

The door they are "pounding on" is   * **their*** door. They want their home back. The one you stole from them by murder, rape, and the threat of more of the same. You may have hoodwinked the rest of the world into accepting these crimes, by controlling the media and using it to impose your phony "victim" narrative. But that ended with the emergence of the internet and the smart-phone and its camera. The information stream has been set free. The truth has been set free. The Zionist criminal narrative and the Zionist mythology of "the poor long-suffering Jews" returning to home and safety, to "a land without people, for a people without land" -- and other such nonsense -- now confronts reality and truth. And confronted with the truth, it fails. "Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?" never works, not even for those as powerful and effective as the Zionists. Perhaps another approach than stealing, murdering, and ly...