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I have to assume that you are a person of good faith, and therefore set aside my outrage at the damage you have done ... the damage you have done because you are insane. Your cult-like partisanship was "triggered" by Trump's defeat of Hillary and drove you insane. I wish I could feel sympathy for you, but there is a reason the insane are put in an asylum, because having them run around free is a danger to society. That's the situation we are in today. You and the rest of the insane, incoherently furious, are running around burning the place down.

I don't have time -- in truth I think it futile -- to have a discussion with you. When ***your*** world is in ruins, with you sitting amidst the rubble, you will still not "get it". Sad.

The good news is that, in ***my*** world, far away from the madness, I am prosperous and safe, and somewhat connected to reality.

Because you want to be a good person and help to make the world a better place -- but more, because others may read this and profit by it -- I will offer one example of your problem and the tragedy it has wrought.

If the world's leading authority on corona viruses, Dr, Didier Raoult, at the very beginning of the pandemic, had stood at the lectern of the MSM and advised on a treatment strategy, half of all the Covid deaths could have been prevented. Instead, it was Trump who stood at that lectern and delivered Dr. Raoult's recommendation. Then your insane Trump-hate took over, discrediting the recommendation of the world's foremost authority on corona viruses, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of perhaps 150,000 people. Your Trump-hate killed those people. You killed those people. But of course, you were "distressed". As you still are.

Interesting times.


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