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Showing posts from March, 2021

Origins of Covid

Posted to the comments section of Genetic Literacy Project (and then almost immediately removed as Spam.  But then almost immediately reposted and marked as ***NOT SPAM***.)  An aspect of this matter that has not been covered/mentioned, even by Ron Unz in his review: Twenty years ago, witnessing the rise of China with double digit GDP growth, and the rapid Neoliberal transfer of manufacturing to China, I thought to myself that the US could only recover competitiveness and the US jobs that were then being moved to China, in (***only***) one of two ways: (1) Nuke China "back to the stone age" (radical in the extreme, as well as "impractical" because of China's nuclear deterrent, and because the barbaric severity would have correspondingly severe global political implications). Clearly too...

Comment to

I have to assume that you are a person of good faith, and therefore set aside my outrage at the damage you have done ... the damage you have done because you are insane. Your cult-like partisanship was "triggered" by Trump's defeat of Hillary and drove you insane. I wish I could feel sympathy for you, but there is a reason the insane are put in an asylum, because having them run around free is a danger to society. That's the situation we are in today. You and the rest of the insane, incoherently furious, are running around burning the place down. I don't have time -- in truth I think it futile -- to have a discussion with you. When ***your*** world is in ruins, with you sitting amidst the rubble, you will still not "get it". Sad. The good news is that, in ***my*** world, far away from the madness, I am prosperous and safe, and somewhat connected to reality. Because you want to be a good person and help to make the world a better place -- but more, becaus...