Censored once again. This time from AW.C's " Robert Kagan Diagnosed America’s Biggest Problem: Americans Who Don’t Want To Run the World"
Bandow dare not name the criminal monster at the heart of the issue, lest he be cast out of the heaven of lawful discourse into the hell of despised truth-tellers. "America is Israel's bitch." That's how I usually say it. But for Kagan and Nuland and the rest of the treasonous Neocons, America must be Israel's Luca Brasi: big, stupid, brutal, with a "loyalty" characterized by slavish obedience. The criminal Zionists, the treasonous Zionists, the life-sucking parasitic Zionists, are exemplified by Kagan and Nuland and the rest of the Neocon cancer that infects the US as they have infected so many "hosts" over the last 5-thousand years. But Bandow dare not speak that truth. So we remain infected by those who must never be named. Infected unto the death of the republic. And so we have the Kagan call to arms, the Kagan, Albright, Nuland et al call to national suicide: "We must fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here....