In this Article ...
America’s Biggest Problem Isn’t Trump; It’s That We Can’t Hold Iraq War Hawks Accountable
Slenderman2008 commented:
"First of all, yes, "America's biggest problem" is Trump. Just look at Trump's government response, such as it was, to the pandemic. ... [etc]
... then to the original comment and to slederman2008's later response, I countered with these below, which the "moderation" deleted, (perhaps for the harshness of my tone, though I can't really say):
I wrote:
"No, ***YOU*** and those like you, with your Trump-hate and your broken brains, are the problem. On the 18th of March, when the US had only 250 covid deaths, Trump touted hydroxychloroquine-plus-zinc as a treatment for the virus. As a preventive. But then your Trump-hate exploded in disparaging that recommendation, which was followed by a flood of fake research, amplified by the MSM, promoting the malignant view that it was useless-if-not-harmful -- leading to the catastrophe that followed.
Now we know that HCQ + zinc reduces the disease's severity, the rate of and need for hospitalizations, and deaths from the disease by 80%. So you and your Trump hate bear the responsibility, with the blood of 200,000 of those covid victims on YOUR hands.
The president got it right. Look in the mirror for the murderer responsible for the covid "failure".
Own it.
Again: Trump-haters like you are responsible for the murder-by-covid of 200,000 Americans.
Your broken-brain response is/was completely predictable. You can't handle the truth, and consequently, it's clear that you will never be able to break out of your cultural echo chamber of hate-fueled partisan unreality.
I won't waste time bludgeoning your mental defect with facts, you are armored against facts. But for anyone else reading this exchange, I simply say the jury is in: Google "hydroxychloroquine, efficacy" or go to any of these links:
COVID-19 outpatients – early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study
Hydroxychloroquine, evidence of efficacy
or this most recent -- from Oct 27th. -- report:
LATEST STUDY EARLY Management With Hydroxychloroquine - By Dr. Zelenko
or this, from way back on March 18th (read the discussion in the comments, exclusively by medical professionals):
COVID-19: Could Hydroxychloroquine Really Be An Answer?