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Showing posts from October, 2019

Comment censored from Truthdig's 10-8-2019 "Donald Trump's Iran Humiliation" Response to: Harold Smith    Myia Mcmillian   •   a day ago Nonsense. There WAS outrage against Obama If not for Truthdig's partisan Trump-hate, this article might have been entitled "John Bolton's Iran Humiliation". Meanwhile, I find your comment a bit harsh. I voted for Trump to burn down Washington -- ie Drain the Swamp -- and to end the pointless wars-for-profit (and for Israel). But I give him a bit more slack than you do on ending the wars, considering the obstruction he has faced -- Russia! Russia! Russia! etc -- from the Establishment & Deep State. The Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams Neocon regime-change foreign policy aggressiveness has been difficult to stomach. The best excuse I can give Trump on that is that these psychopathic war-mongers make excellent "bad cops" in a "good cop/bad cop" strategy. And of course Bolton, the worst and most hated of the...

Zionist censored post to Paul Pillar's Essay in The National Interest , October 11, 2019

This article is so wrong in so many ways, primarily stemming from the divorced-from-reality founding narrative. Right from the start: "The reported procedure ..." I read the link; there is no "reported procedure" mentioned ... through which Trump reached the decision is hard to defend." The unreported procedure is actually easy to defend. When Trump ran for office he said he would get the US out of ill-conceived, disastrous -- and criminal, though Trump didn't use that term -- wars in the mideast, with the one exception being that he would destroy ISIS. While he was supported in his successful campaign to destroy ISIS, he was obstructed from his withdrawal efforts. So now, after two and a half years of "procedure" and several false starts blocked by the usual supporters of "forever war", he has asserted his C-in-C authority, got the situation moving forward, away from the frozen status quo, and executed at least a partial...