After several attempts to post the following comment to: Only to have it marked as spam and deleted by hasbarist aYid, I'm posting it here to preserve it and keep it available. This sort of hasbara is yet another element of the Zionist pathology which, in the final analysis is completely consistent with the five-thousand year unrelenting Jewish effort at suicide-by-Goy. Modern Israel as with ancient Israel is its own existential threat. The feature of Jewish culture which makes anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism both predictable and justifiable is the identification of all non-Jews as "The Other" bent on Jewish annihilation, as a precondition and justification for unrelenting aggression against them. It also creates the self-fulfilling prophecy of inevitable "push-back" again Jewish aggression. Finally, the hasbara, originating as it does from a self-s...