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Showing posts from August, 2019

Zionism's fateful trajectory

The following was posted to the Lobe Log on August 31, 2019, in response to Israel’s One-State Reality Is Sowing Chaos In American Politics AUGUST 29, 2019 I'm an American and jew, but am ***TOTALLY*** opposed to Zionism and the Zionist project, Israel.  Israel is a mistake. The belief held by the overwhelming majority of the US Jewish community in the just nature and legitimacy of Israel ***is a mistake***.  Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress and can only end badly.  It is essentially the next holocaust -- the next reaction against Jewish abuse of non-jews -- in the making. As a jew, I wish it weren't so.  I wish the jews would recognize their error and change course.  But five-thousand years of exploiting non-jews and refusing to treat them as anything but "the other", has had a consistent and predictable result, and I see zero likelihood that the jews will recognize the problem and break from their self-destructive habit. It has been apparen...