Tucker, everyone in this business is screwing up. The GOP is giving Blasey Ford a free pass. Everyone is accepting the notion that Kavanaugh is credibly, allegedly, (and consequently, probably) guilty, and then reinforcing that presumption of guilt by going on the defensive. Meanwhile the Democrats or starting from the presumption of guilt and the Republicans are letting them get away with it. This can be turned around. Someone needs to grow a set and do the obvious: GO ON THE OFFENSIVE. Start with the assumtion that Blasey Ford is GUILTY. Assume that she is a "fabricator". Assume that her "sexual assault" narrative is a complete and monstrous slanderous fiction, a deliberate and well-crafted campaign aimed at intentionally destroying Kavanaugh's life and reputation. She wasn't assaulted at all. Exactly the opposite. It is she who is assaulting Kavanaugh, In a situation like this, where two stories conflict, one fact stands out as indisputable: th...