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Showing posts from September, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford: insane "fabricator"

Tucker, everyone in this business is screwing up. The GOP is giving Blasey Ford a free pass. Everyone is accepting the notion that Kavanaugh is credibly, allegedly, (and consequently, probably) guilty, and then reinforcing that presumption of guilt by going on the defensive.  Meanwhile the Democrats or starting from the presumption of guilt and the Republicans are letting them get away with it. This can be turned around. Someone needs to grow a set and do the obvious: GO ON THE OFFENSIVE.  Start with the assumtion that Blasey Ford is GUILTY.  Assume that she is a "fabricator".  Assume that her "sexual assault" narrative is a complete and monstrous slanderous fiction, a deliberate and well-crafted campaign aimed at intentionally destroying Kavanaugh's life and reputation.  She wasn't assaulted at all. Exactly the opposite.  It is she who is assaulting Kavanaugh, In a situation like this, where two stories conflict, one fact stands out as indisputable: th...

The end of Israel

"Imagine a Syria with a dictator that's been assisinated, a re-supplied rebel insurgency backed by America and Turkey's airforce, constant bombing raids on Syria's military infrastructure from Israel and missiles delivered from destroyers on key Syrian military installations." Imagine an Israel obliterated by a couple dozen Russian nukes. Imagine Uncle Sam standing there with his dick in his hand, unable to do anything, because the entire Russian nuke forces are on hair-trigger alert. Then watch as the world -- and the US,... eventually -- heaves a sigh of relief because the cancer at the heart of the till then unending violence in the Mideast has been burned out. This is precisely how both the Zionist subversion of the US govt by AIPAC and the Neocons, and the "problem" in the Mideast will play out -- the Zionists are working towards Israel's destruction even as we speak. Sometime in the next 20 years. When the Israelis/Zionists succeed in...

A fair hearing for Satan ... or the much maligned "anti-Semite"

From Comments to " Anti-Israelism and Anti-Semitism: The Invidious Conflation" 9/2/2018 Comment by ATM If the same logic were applied uniformly and if Nazi Gernany still existed we would be prevented from criticizing their policies, because criticizing the Nazi government would be racist against the Arian race. And so we are cooped into enabling fascist ideology which is not Israel, Judaism, or Zionism but extreme right nationalism moving in the direction of fascism, hiding behind labels that should not protect it." And my response: Exactly, and here's a bit of edgy irony. We hear the term anti-Semitism and anti-Semite bandied about promiscuously by people who declare with puffed-up moral outrage that ***THEY*** are not anti-Semites. Fine. But isn't it at least a little bit presumptuous to have someone who declares most strenuously that they are not one of ***THEM*** to be the authority on the nature of ***THEM*** -- to control the definit...

The basis of anti-Semitism

From Comments to " Anti-Israelism and Anti-Semitism: The Invidious Conflation" 9/2/2018 Comment by Martial " Anti-Black racism is that set of ideas stemming from the notion that having Black skin and being of subSaharan African descent suits one to slavery; Jewbaiting is that set of ideas stemming from the notion that being Jewish or having Jewish ancestors suits one to being slaughtered. The latter really starts with the Christ killer charge and associated anti-Jewish teachings. Do you agree that uttering the Christ killer charge is a murderous thing to do?" My response: No, I do not agree. There is sufficient distance between the utterance and any causative connection to any violence against anyone who is Jewish. It's freedom of speech. Freedom of expressing what you feel. Hatred is a real and genuine human passion, and you don't eliminate it from reality by suppressing its expression. And if a feeling of hatred stems from outrage at offens...