From: Sens. Graham, McCain Unveil Plan to Weaken Saudi 9/11 Bill My reply to pensword re Saudi/Israeli involvement in 9/11: I agree, both the Saudi and Israeli govts were involved: the Saudis in financing and the Israelis in "shepherding". A separate, overarching, and much more difficult matter however, is the subversion of the US govt by the Israelis. The Neocons -- Israeli agents -- currently control the Executive(Trump may boot them, we shall see.), and AIPAC -- Israeli agents -- has for many years maintained ownership of the House and Senate. Breaking out of Zionist "captivity" is a yuuuge challenge. Consider, its mention is taboo in the MSM media, dangerous in the alternate media, and a life destroying, career-killing offense in politics, media, academia, commerce,... hell, across the spectrum of civil and cultural participation. The Jews have once aga...