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Showing posts from December, 2016

Reply to the NY Times article "American Jews Divided Over Strain in U.S.-Israel Relations"

Jeff Davis   Baja California   Pending Approval But everything ***IS*** Israel's fault. Seriously. I'm an American and a Jew and I wouldn't give a nickel in bag of sh*t for the geopolitical crime-in-progress that is Israel. And all those Jews worldwide who continue to support Israel, now that its criminality is clear for all to see, are complicit in those crimes. Crime has no right to exist. Criminals have no right to defend themselves.

Dream the impossible -- don't be so sure -- dream!

Donna Brazile, the butterfly ballot, and a lifeless Al Gore gave us Bush/Cheney, which gave us the Neocon subversion, wars-for-Israel and the looting of America, which gave us Obama/Clinton and wars-for-Israel part two, and more looting of America.  That's 16 years of the continuous rape of America on behalf of the 1% and the Zionists.  This might be seen as incompetence -- as in the Iraq war was caused by "faulty", ie incompetent, intelligence -- except that the 1% and the Zionists made out like the bandits they are.  That's not incompetence, that's something else. If the inability to face up to or even comprehend the cause of their failure is any indication, then the Dem party could well be in terminal phase, circling the drain, headed for the ash bin of history.  They can't return to being a party of the little guy, because no one will believe them -- and besides, Trump has laid claim to that territory -- and because if they were genuine, they would lose...

The Kikes have won, let them have the damn place.

Sykes-Picot is dead. George Bush strapped a bomb to it and blew it up. What was once Iraq is no more. The Shia have the plum part, Baghdad and the lion’s share of oil. The Kurds have a part, with more than a bit of oil as well. But the Sunnis, once the masters but now stripped of power, have been reduced to refugees and confined to their “reservation” in the wastelands of Anbar or fighting a grueling/losing battle for control of Mosul. Syria the same. The remnants of Saddam’s regime fled there after the US invasion. But the Neocons weren’t through with them. Meat puppet Bush and anti-Christ-wannabe Cheney handed off the Neocon/Oded Yinon project to spineless phony Obama and mad dog Hillary, who then proceeded to do to Syria what their predecessors had done to Iraq. So the remnants of Saddam’s regime came out of retirement, and now Syria is broken as well, with the Sunni tribal regions of the east — the Upper Euphrates valley — in possession of radical Sunni head-choppers. All o...

re censorship at

Really, Thomas? Who is the drama queen here? You're embarrassing yourself with this name calling. My comment disappeared. What am I to think, you're on a coffee break? So I posted the link to my backup, my all-but-invisible, low-traffic,... make that no-traffic,... blog. The "rules" you cite give the Jews a free pass on their complicity in the Zionist project. It's ok to criticize Zionism or Israel, but not the Jews that make their crimes possible. That appears to be the rule, and it amounts to caving to Jewish/Zionist intimidation. It may be discretion -- as in "discretion is the better part of valor" -- but absent the lethality of bullets-and-bombs-combat, it's cowardly. It was cowardly then, as it is cowardly now. That said, it ***IS*** Justin's website and he gets to decide on when "discretion" -- strategic restraint -- is called for. I've had this issue since before you were moderator. Someone Jewis...

Give it ***ALL*** to them

Sykes-Picot is dead. The question then, "When ISIS is gone, who will replace them to rule Sunnistan:  newly created from Anbar and the Upper Euphrates Valley (Iraq and Syria)?" I have a notion that the world will need a confab of all concerned parties to redraw the boundaries of the Mideast. My own proposal for that confab, discussed nowhere before this comment, is the voluntary relocation of all Palestinians -- Israeli, WB & Gaza, and the Palestinian diaspora/refugee camps, to the newly formed Sunnistan. The Israelis would be all in with such a plan, and would throw the full weight of their international political influence behind it. In contrast to the "Nakba method" -- brazen theft, and ethnic cleansing by massacre and threat of massacre -- this relocation would be based on making the Palestinians an offer too good to turn down. (No doubt some would stubbornly refuse to relocate, but they would be few, and thus acceptable to the Israelis . The incentives...

9/11: Saudis, Israelis, and Zionist captivity

From:  Sens. Graham, McCain Unveil Plan to Weaken Saudi 9/11 Bill My reply to pensword re Saudi/Israeli involvement in 9/11: I agree, both the Saudi and Israeli govts were involved: the Saudis in financing and the Israelis in "shepherding". A separate, overarching, and much more difficult matter however, is the subversion of the US govt by the Israelis. The Neocons -- Israeli agents -- currently control the Executive(Trump may boot them, we shall see.), and AIPAC -- Israeli agents -- has for many years maintained ownership of the House and Senate. Breaking out of Zionist "captivity" is a yuuuge challenge. Consider, its mention is taboo in the MSM media, dangerous in the alternate media, and a life destroying, career-killing offense in politics, media, academia, commerce,... hell, across the spectrum of civil and cultural participation. The Jews have once aga...