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What the thunder said

The entire establishment is scared shitless of Trump. His bid for the presidency is nothing less than a revolution in American politics -- a challenge to their "ownership" of the country --

-- and they are going all out to prevent his election. This will no doubt have some limited success  Without question, it is the conventional, proven technique for manipulating public opinion. But the world is changing. The internet as an alternative source of info has broken the MSM monopoloy on "narrative" construction, so there is mounting cognitive dissonance created by the conflicting narratives. And that dissonance actually **forces** people to think, forces people to **learn to think**.
It has often been said, in frustration and disgust, that the American people are stupid. I understand the situation, but I just don't think it's as bad as one might think. People who are intentionally manipulated, misled, maleducated, and propagandized, may speak about the world, and do things at the voting booth, that seem "stupid" to you, particularly if your political views are not theirs. But when people have no real choice, any vote they cast will look stupid. So what's really going on -- in my view -- is not stupidity, but helplessness.
Not stupidity. And the Trump movement phenomenon demonstrates this. Millions of regular people from across the political spectrum have thrown in with Trump. They are smart enough to know that they have been getting screwed "by a system that threw them overboard thirty years ago", and now, long-frustrated, their instinctive intelligence sees and seizes the opportunity to actually vote in their own interest,... for the first time in my lifetime (67 years). For Trump the blue-collar billionaire. Despite all his wealth, Trump is one of them: a blunt-to-the-point-of-rudeness, NY working-class, horn-doggie alpha-male. A guy who hangs out with the elite-and-snobby, caters for a premium price to the elite-and-snobby, hits on the wives of the elite-and-snobby, but is still at heart a working-class bad boy in the mold of Tony Manero. Oh, how the elite-and-snobby hate him. Their hatred, and their snob-based cluelessness is what signals regular folks to stream to support him at his rallies -- the enemy of their enemy is their friend -- and what makes me think the American people are smarter than the elite-and-snobby think they are, and are secretly, quietly supporting Trump. Secretly and quietly so that they do not have to be annoyed by the flailing and spittle-flecked hysteria of politically correct sissies.
So for the next 26 days we will have more of the magnificent spectacle. But after the polls and pundits,...
After the torchlight red on sweaty faces
After the frosty silence in the gardens
After the agony in stony places
The shouting and the crying
Prison and palace and reverberation
Of thunder of spring over distant mountains

We will have the reality of Nov 8th.
Then we shall see.
Good luck.


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