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Showing posts from October, 2016

A presidential pardon for Hillary?

An aspect not yet mentioned -- have any of you seen or heard a peep? -- Presidential pardon. There must be whole bunches of folks thinking hard about this, but no one is talking. Please, start the conversation. I want to hear from youse guys, what do you think? If Hillary loses, Obama pardons her in a heartbeat. If she wins, ditto (or not?), but with ***unprecedented*** political consequences, which would take the US political system into truly uncharted territory. And then... what about a pardon in the next few days, before the election? Boom! A frikkin' political nuke,.. in an electoral season where the spectacle leaps by the minute to a new, ever more spectacularly outrageous level. So far, deafening silence. Mum's the word. How is that possible? I mean shouldn't the Trump side at least, be going to town, preemptively shouting their condemnation of the planned, expected, predictable, and thoroughly corrupt nature of a looming -- yeah, speculative and semi-fictiona...

What the thunder said

The entire establishment is scared shitless of Trump. His bid for the presidency is nothing less than a revolution in American politics -- a challenge to their "ownership" of the country -- -- and they are going all out to prevent his election. This will no doubt have some limited success  Without question, it is the conventional, proven technique for manipulating public opinion. But the world is changing. The internet as an alternative source of info has broken the MSM monopoloy on "narrative" construction, so there is mounting cognitive dissonance created by the conflicting narratives. And that dissonance actually **forces** people to think, forces people to **learn to think**. It has often been said, in frustration and disgust, that the American people are stupid. I understand the situation, but I just don't think it's as bad as one might think. People who are intentionally manipulated, misled, maleducated, and propagandized, may speak about th...

Madame President

Gina Ferrara, responding to my comment to: WikiLeaks Cancels Major Clinton Revelation Amid ‘Security Concerns’ writes: You best get used to saying Madame President:) To which I respond: Gina my dear, I am thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of this political season. The last few days of Trump-trashing have made Trump supporters glum -- booey hooey! -- but for me that's just the back and forth of the political battle. Like watching a football game, sometimes your team is in the lead, sometimes behind. High drama, yum! And there's still 3+ weeks of drama left, and regardless of the outcome the entertainment value promises to be delightful. Yes, I have a pleasant emotional investment in the Trumpinator -- it's more fun that way -- but it's limited and I try to suppress it, because in the end it's just Kabuki, with no perceptable effect on me **personally**...

Madame President

Gina Ferrara, responding to my comment to: WikiLeaks Cancels Major Clinton Revelation Amid ‘Security Concerns’ writes: You best get used to saying Madame President:) To which I respond: Gina my dear, I am thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of this political season. The last few days of Trump-trashing have made Trump supporters glum -- booey hooey! -- but for me that's just the back and forth of the political battle. Like watching a football game, sometimes your team is in the lead, sometimes behind. High drama, yum! And there's still 3+ weeks of drama left, and regardless of the outcome the entertainment value promises to be delightful. Yes, I have a pleasant emotional investment in the Trumpinator -- it's more fun that way -- but it's limited and I try to suppress it, because in the end it's just Kabuki, with no perceptable effect on me **personally**...

Feel the Burn

On the Unz Review, in the comments section to Nuclear Poker by Israel Shamir Phillip Owen writes: "Also, the Syrian government did commit massacres of Sunnis over the decades." The US massacred: Native Americans, enslaved Africans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, US Confederate rebels, and many many others; beyond direct mass murder, the US abetted oppression, coups de etat, slaughter, and torture in countries across the planet:  Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Angola, South Africa, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, now Syria, Palestine of course, Egypt, now Yemen, Panama, Grenada, and others, many many others. This BS about Assad being a bad guy is total Kool-Aid.  When the Confederate South revolted against the North a slaughter ensued.  Surprise! surprise! Revolt leads to civil war which, being war, involves "massacres".  That's what war is, one giant massacre...

Putin's "cancer cure"?

I keep mulling over the likely course of the US/Russia confrontation we will see if HRC is elected. She will try to face down Putin, to no avail. Putin is a cool-headed and very capable strategic thinker and will have gamed-out the various scenarios. He will do what he has to do to prevent the situation getting out of hand. With that as a premise, I ask myself "How will he do that? What plan of action by Putin will prevent (or more crucially, halt) an out-of-control escalation?" First and foremost of course is to put the entire Russian nation in a state of readiness. Civil defense for the civilian population, and defensive deployment and a highest state of readiness among both the conventional military and the strategic nuclear forces. That's just the bedrock of strategic deterrence: eliminate the element of surprise and with it any hope of first-strike effectiveness. But let's say HRC gets militant and arrogant, and persuades herself -- all those marvelous wea...