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Showing posts from December, 2018

"Moderated" from AW.C Dec 5, 2018

Discussion on  News from    17 comments US, NATO Give Russia 60 Days to Comply With Nuclear Treaty Jeffrey Fein     Dr.Roosenpenis    20 hours ago Removed "the Ziocon approach" The Ziocons as you call them, have always wanted the destruction of Russia because, unlike the Western "liberal democracies", Russia is one country they have never been able to subvert and control. Despite which, they keep trying. I expect that at some point the Ziocons, in their zeal, will overreach, and the Russians will be compelled to neutraiize the threat. I am required to use a bit of coded language here -- specifically "Ziocon" -- to avoid "moderation". I trust that the reader will have no difficulty with the decoding.

"moderated" ie censored from the Philadelphia inquirer's comments to: Marc Lamont Hill: I’m sorry my word choices caused harm | Opinion Posted: December 1, 2018

Moderated from the Philadelphia inquirer's comments to: Marc Lamont Hill: I’m sorry my word choices caused harm | Opinion Posted: December 1, 2018 - 12:05 PM The killer, thieving, lying Zionists intended from day one to take all of Palestine, "disappear" the Palestinians, and "deal with" anyone who got in their way.   This is the pattern of five-thousand years which has always brought reaction and grief for the Jews. In the post-Holocaust era it has been the height of political incorrectness to notice the pattern, and suggest that Jewish misbehavior was the source of anti-Jewish "persecution" -- blowback really -- down the ages.  Now the internet has opened a gap in the Zionist propaganda, and the truth has flowed out for all the world to see. In full view of the world we see killer Zionists sitting on sofas on a hill overlooking Gaza watching the mass slaughter, and celebrating. This is the nature of the Jewish power elite. And...