Thought police. First they cut off Wikileaks from funding, then they came for Julian Assange. Then they demonitized alternative media on YouTube. Then the FBI came after alternative media -- and Justin Raimondo "investigated". Then Antiwar's own Scott Horton erased from Twitter (and Facebook?) along with Alex Jones and a "turncoat" NYT investigative reporter. You would think this would inspire AW.C to defend freedom of speech. But no, the thought police are here as well. Don't think of criticizing the .... (not allowed to write the name.) You can find the "offending" material at .... (but no, not allowed even to tell you that.) AW.C: cowed, if not owned, by the Hasbara. For twenty years AW.C has been at the top of my bookmarks, and the first place I go each day to check on the inspiring lack of human progress. I'd like to hear from Justin. Defend this policy. Why are you allowing the same abuses to which you and ...