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Showing posts from August, 2018

A Full-blown Cultural War

Thought police. First they cut off Wikileaks from funding, then they came for Julian Assange. Then they demonitized alternative media on YouTube. Then the FBI came after alternative media --  and Justin Raimondo "investigated". Then Antiwar's own Scott Horton erased from Twitter (and Facebook?) along with Alex Jones and a "turncoat" NYT investigative reporter. You would think this would inspire AW.C to defend freedom of speech. But no, the thought police are here as well. Don't think of criticizing the .... (not allowed to write the name.) You can find the "offending" material at .... (but no, not allowed even to tell you that.) AW.C: cowed, if not owned, by the Hasbara. For twenty years AW.C has been at the top of my bookmarks, and the first place I go each day to check on the inspiring lack of human progress. I'd like to hear from Justin. Defend this policy. Why are you allowing the same abuses to which you and ...

The thousand-year rematch: Russia vs the Khazars, part 2

It doesn't take a licensed or unlicensed physician to expose a propagandist for a regime-slash-society of thieves and homicidal liars. Israel is digging its own grave with its brazen criminality. The Ashkenazis are arrogant and triumphal. The Jacobs, and Nathans, and Benjamins and Abrahams are all very self-satisfied and disdainful. So were the Nazis when they marched into Paris. But where are the Nazis now? They were very good at beating up on backward eastern European weakling countries, (as the Ashkenazis are now with the imprisoned Palestinians). But the Russians were just as smart and -- more to the point -- made of tougher stuff than the strutting Aryan "supermen" (as they are made of tougher stuff than the strutting Askenazi "chosen"). The Russians snuffed out the Nazis, as they had snuffed out Napoleon, and as they had snuffed out the Khazars a thousand years earlier. [From Wikipedia: Between 965 and 969, the Kievan Rus' ruler Sviatoslav...
The SEC is a completely corrupt organization, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street. It's entire modus vivendi is to protect Wall Street's monopoly on global money flows. The ICO phenomena threatens to obliterate that monopoly, and break Wall Street's control of money. Cryptocurrency makes it possible for any individual to issue their own money,... for little more than the price of a cup of coffee. Baron von Rothschild once said he didn't care who ran a country so long as he ran the currency. The first consequence of the SEC's losing rear guard action to kill cryptos -- they will fail -- will be to lock America out of the leadership role in the new entrepreneurial age which will be brought about by cryptos. The SEC was created in 1933 by FDR. who hired the same Wall Street thieves that brought about the Great Depression, and most recently the 2008 mortgage-backed securities global economic collapse. They were put in charge of creating a safe secu...