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Showing posts from May, 2018

AW.C moderation back-up 5/28/2018

It's odd Justin, that nobody seems to get it. Trump is an instinctive political genius. By instinct, I mean he doesn't act on the basis of rationality. He doesn't think it out, that's not his way. He just does it, because he has a feel for it, and it works. It's a talent not many people have. He doesn't see things Boltons way. He said as much in the campaign. Peace in the Mideast; withdraw from unnecessary Wars; get along with Russia,etc. So why then does he hire somebody like Bolton? Or Nikki Haley? Or Pompeo? "Rational thinkers" say either he was a liar to begin with, OR he's been beaten down and forced to surrender to the enemy. That's where thinking gets you -- the kind of "thinking" that has screwed things up for the American people since Viet Nam. That's not where instinct to gets you. "...some craven scruple Of thinking too precisely on th' event— A thought which, quarter'd, hath but one part wisdom And ...

AW.C moderation backup 5/26/2018 The Abused Jews of Iraq

White makes right. Modern Zionism has its origins in the nationalism/imperialism/racism/supremacism that arose in Europe from the time of the Renaissance, and then launched itself into the world in what our history books euphemistically refer to as Western "Colonialism". "Colonialism my ass! The unsanitized, uneuphemized truth: it was European -- both west and east -- invasion, military conquest, slaughter, domination, theft, enslavement, and exploitation. With European Jewry right there as student, teacher, and devotee. Zionism is just more of the same. Just a little late to the show.

AW.C moderation back-up 5/16/2018

The Zionists, through their American fifth column, have bought and repurposed the US govt since 1948 (if not before). Congress is owned/subverted by AIPAC, with money from the hoodwinked US J*wish community, to serve Israeli interests ahead of American interests. And they own the State Dept -- and with it US foreign policy -- through more numerous and more abundantly-funded policy shops in DC. This "ownership" has been in effect through US administrations at least back to Truman, but you, addicted to Trump-hate, insist on making it about Trump. It is the opposition to Trump, the opposition by folks like you, in your refusal to help rebuild America, in your petulance and emotional self-indulgence, that drove Trump into the arms of the worst of America's domestic enemies. Trump's failure to drain the swamp falls squarely at the feet of those like you, who refused to support the President in his efforts to fix America. Have a peacef...

AW.C moderation back-up 5/14/2018

Actually, worse than the Nazis, because the lesson they took from the Holocaust, rather than humility and compassion, was how to "properly" conduct racial genocide. (The truth is even worse. It could be said that the Nazis were schooled in their way of genocide by the Zionists themselves, who planned the "cleansing" of the Palestinians all the way back in 1897, at the dawn of the Zionist plan. But that would be overstatement. Genocide based on racial supremacism has been a human tribal practice from before the dawn of humanity. The J*ws didn't invent it, despite being early practitioners.) A further irony: it is in fact the Palestinians who are the descendants of the J*ws of ancient Israel (long since converted to Islam) not the invading, white European Ashkenazis who are murdering them. Apparently, unlike the J*ws, the followers of Islam were uneven in their following the directions of scripture. N ot to mention that words in a book are different from a...

"Moderation" at antiwar dot com

Probably wasn't Jason.  He writes, but to my knowledge doesn't "moderate".  Did you use the term "the Jews"?  That collective noun will get you in trouble. Personally, I don't agree with the prohibition of so-called "hate speech".  I think that so-called  "hate speech" should be among the most protected.  Nothing needs sunshine -- and thus "protection" -- more than this most disapproved of speech.  But unfortunately (in my view) the PC thought police culture, the SJW culture, has achieved a level of domination that expressions of animus are only allowed against "approved" groups: Commies, Russians, Trump supporters, Muslims, (fill in your favorite "other"). And of course, because I used the term "the J*ws" above, the automatic flag is activated and badda bing: "Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by News from" Let's see if it gets through. As always, these...