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Showing posts from April, 2018

Ethics vs tribal criminality

Israel is a geopolitical crime-in-progress. No crime has a right to exist, no criminals in the commission of a crime have the right to self-defense. They have the right to surrender to a competent authority, have the "issue" adjudicated by a fair judicial authority, and if found guilty to be subject to a proportionate penalty, and after having served their time, permitted once again to participate in lawful society. The greatest existential threat to Israel,... is Israel. I'm an American and a Jew, just not a supporter Zionist or American criminality. You, on the other hand appear to be utterly untouched by any taint of ethics outside criminal tribalism. Sad. Small detail: the Saudi oil production facilities can be destroyed with conventional explosives. Nukes not necessary.

The unwisdom of underestimating Putin/Russia

A Hasbarist commenter on attempted to "smear" someone as a  "putin supporter".  Here's my reply: Damn right, and proud of it. You deploy  "putin supporter"  thinking of it as some kind of smear. For me it is the hallmark of good sense, and a complement of the highest order. The old anti-Commie cold war has been over for a quarter of a century, but you can never let it go because "those who cannot be mentioned here on " cannot give up their thousand-year blood feud with the Russ. What is anything other than right and smart about being a Putin supporter? He's the preeminent statesman of our time. Rational, careful, focused, prudent. Trying at all times to reduce tensions and seek stability. Also a strategic thinker of the highest order. Going up against Putin militarily is going to be the biggest mistake the US, UK, France, the Saudis, and Israel ever made. I anticipate that Putin will deter any attack...