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Showing posts from March, 2018

Trump is just the opening act

The United States invented al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. By overthrowing Saddam, the United States enabled al-Qaeda in Iraq. The regime change attempt by CIA-supported Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria enabled the resurgence of al-Qaeda in Syria, which then morphed into ISIS. The CIA regime-change proxy war forced the re-positioning of the Syrian Army to defensible positions. That meant a withdrawal from Eastern Syria and redeployment for the defense of the Damascus population centers. That in turn created the power vacuum in Eastern Syria that enabled the creation of ISIS in Syria, the re-invasion of Iraq, and the creation of the ISIS Caliphate. The Neocon-subverted/Israel-subverted US remains the world's foremost "useful idiot" state sponsor of jihadi terrorism,... on behalf of Israel. So the entire shjtstorm in the Mideast is entirely the result of the United States Neocon-dominated, State Department-directed foreign policy, which, simply put, is the United States acting as ...

Israel/Mossad and 911

The Mossad/Israelis knew all about the plot. They had a whole unit of intelligence agents -- the "Art Students" -- here monitoring the progress of the hijackers. Watching to see if the US intelligence or law enforcement was developing any awareness of the coming attack. I don't know of any action they may have taken, as they monitored the progress of the plot, to shield the hijackers from discovery or suppress any discovered elements from leading to such discovery. But they knew, and watched, and waited, and did nothing, clearly in favor of the attack succeeding, as that would serve Israeli interests. Israel is no "friend/ally" of the US. They are no one's "friend/ally". Quite the opposite. With their supremacist attitude -- a suicidal tribal attitude of contempt for anyone not "Israeli" -- they are everyone's adversary, having demonstrated that character for 5000 years. The tragic truth of the Israeli situation is that in the end, ...