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Showing posts from August, 2017

MAGA time

Looking back on the economic and military catastrophe of the last 30 years, when the government was in the hands of the putatively "stable and balanced", I would ask: What is stable and balanced, who is stable and balanced, and just what strategy -- mass murder across the face of the planet as a means, a failed means, of "rescuing" people and installing the godhead of democracy,... vs something... (anything)... else -- will give human beings on this planet safety and prosperity? What is this "Presidential temperament" that we hear so much about, that serves as a measure of the qualification for that office? A willingness to calmly commit mass murder beyond our shores? A willingness to convert our own citizens into cattle for the benefit of the wealthy of the world? Is that it? Could this possibly be an error? Could this possibly be the reason our country has been reduced to chaotic bitterness, a looted despotic shell? Could it be that what humanity need...