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Showing posts from July, 2017

Moment of Truth: Trumpinator or Trump-the-Pussy

As I have written here and elsewhere, President Swamp Drainer needs to get control of the DoJ. He got rid of Comey, which was good, but got Rosenstein and Mueller in response, which was bad. Meanwhile Jeff Sessions is twiddling his thumbs re the Russia witch hunt. Perhaps Session's recusal was appropriate, but he’s not doing anything at all regarding Swamp Draining. So it appears his support for Trump is a bit disingenuous.  Could it be that he's just an old guard GOPer, who wants to give the impression of being a Trump supporter, but who's real intent is to obstruct progress.? He's done little more than drag his feet, covering his do-nothing intent behind a front of  law-enforcement community boosterism.  Is this the GOP plan, to stall until 2020, when it can then point at Trump’s failures (failures they have enabled by their stalling, wink wink) and then campaign to take “their” party back.? In short, Sessions may just be an anti-Trump “mole” planted in the sing...

Political Self-Immolation

"What is relevant is Donald Jr's INTENT. In his email response (I am paraphrasing, but you can verify) he says, if the offer of dirt on Hillary is true, I love it! The intent behind this statement is loud and clear." I agree with you that this is the heart of the matter, and like you I am surprised that the so few of the anti-Trump people have zeroed in on this crucial element. Good on you for bringing it front and center. Let's take a look. Trump jr gets an email that says, "We've got dirt on HRC from the Russian govt, and we want to share it with you as part of Russia/Putin's effort to help Trump win the presidency." (This may not be absolutely the precise wording, but this will be the most aggressive/damning "parsing".) Then Trump jr says, "I love it, bring it on." This will be spun as Trump jr declaring his willingness and his INTENT (your caps) to collude, and as the very first substantive act in the process of collusi...

The Trump enigma explained

Snagged for posterity from: Upon witnesing President Trump's CNN smackdown tweet today, I was left making much the same facial expression Laurence Fishburn makes at the end of The Matrix when he realizes Neo truly is The One. Long has MPC and the greater alt-right waxed rhapsodic over Trump's many paradigm-shifting qualities, but today was the first day I truly saw him for what he is: Trump is not just a Chad, he is The Chad, in much the same way top-level Taoists claim to become the Tao. This is the key to understanding his behavior and why he appears to so effortlessly triumph over legions of incredibly well-financed yet morally-bereft, insidious bugpeople. If you were to combine every star high school quarterback and Ray-Ban clad summer lifeguard into one, you still would not be scratching the surface of the Pure Chadism that flows through Donald Trump's veins at any giv...

Letter to progressives: Jimmy Dore

If progressives would stroke this guy instead of hating on him, you could get everything you want. His detractors declare from the rooftops that he's a narcissist, in love with himself, the archetypal "young man from Nantucket", So lavish him with praise, affirmation, .... adulation even would be good, and he should give it up for you like a prom queen. I mean Jeez guys, have some imagination. This is a glass-half-full opportunity, and rather than taking it, you're turning him over to the Neocons. "On matters of policy, Trump cited waiting times at the VA before offering a solution: “If they have a nine-day wait,” Trump asked rhetorically, “why don’t they just go see a doctor and our country will pay the doctor? It’s really the least expensive thing that could happen. [We would] have to go out and negotiate some good prices with good doctors … Why don’t we do...

Are you ready to rumble?

Obama was a phony and a weakling from the start. His war-mongering, and his appointment of HRC as Secretary of State were fully intentional, and consequently he deserves the indictment that ought to be issued. Barack declared at the start of his presidency that he would "look forward not back". That was his signal to the "Establishment" that he was one of them (or wanted to be) and would protect them. Trump's not a white-man-insider-wannabe. He's not interested in the DC Club Dickless. He's the big dog, the maestro of Club Trump, the only club that matters. Trump is the agent of benevolent destruction. He's bent on sweeping away the old, corrupt political order and rebuilding America and stamping it with the Trump brand. Magnificent ego! None but Trump voters like that one bit, but hey,... he won. Suck on that. Life's a bitch sometimes. Manhood is back! Trump said he wanted "to get along with Russia", and ever since then th...