As I have written here and elsewhere, President Swamp Drainer needs to get control of the DoJ. He got rid of Comey, which was good, but got Rosenstein and Mueller in response, which was bad. Meanwhile Jeff Sessions is twiddling his thumbs re the Russia witch hunt. Perhaps Session's recusal was appropriate, but he’s not doing anything at all regarding Swamp Draining. So it appears his support for Trump is a bit disingenuous. Could it be that he's just an old guard GOPer, who wants to give the impression of being a Trump supporter, but who's real intent is to obstruct progress.? He's done little more than drag his feet, covering his do-nothing intent behind a front of law-enforcement community boosterism. Is this the GOP plan, to stall until 2020, when it can then point at Trump’s failures (failures they have enabled by their stalling, wink wink) and then campaign to take “their” party back.? In short, Sessions may just be an anti-Trump “mole” planted in the sing...