Galactus-36215 writes: Tell us what Trump has done for the “American working man” since he’s been in office? The only thing I can think of is withdrawing from TPP. But beyond that, what else? He’s proposing kicking 23M working men/woman off of healthcare insurance. How does that ‘help’ them? This -- your entire post -- is exactly the kind of Kool-Aid inspired ignorance I'm talking about. First, the presidency is a four year job, and in Trump's case he's working against the comprehensive obstruction of practically everyone in the upper ten percent plus the noisy pc/snowflake zombies, plus the IC spook army of the one percent. Which has been going on since July of 2016. They've been fighting him for ten months, while he's only been in the big chair, with the -- hobbled -- power of the executive, for four months. And you're giving him a hard time!? Already!? This is going to be a long slog. First, Trump has to get settled in, then he has to learn the w...