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Showing posts from February, 2017

Let the punishment fit the crime

For five-thousand years the Jews have crapped on everyone they have encountered and been logically and predictably despised and chased off or killed. THAT is the cause of anti-Semitism. The cause for modern Islamophobia or Islam-hatred on the other hand is that the Muslims are fighting back against the Jewish criminal invasion of Palestine. The Zionist Jews have invaded, murdered, ethnically-cleansed the Palestinians from Palestinian lands and they have lied so successfully about these crimes that the citizens of the advanced West have come to believe that the Jews are all innocent and the Muslims are all evil. It's a total lie. A half century of propaganda notwithstanding, it's a lie. The Palestinians and their Muslim fellows object to Zionist crimes and seek rightly and justly to defend themselves. Anti-Nazism is just fine, right?, because the Nazis were criminals, right? Well, apply the same logic to Zionist criminals, and anti-Zionism, like anti-Nazism, becomes just...

Don't over-screw the little guy " Incivility. Honorable disagreement appears to be the exception rather than the rule. Depending on the day, I have been called a left-winger, a right-winger, a corporate shill, a "sniveling little demon," and (my personal favorite) "another Jew liar and deceiver [who] writes for Monsatan." Not to be curt, but of those accusations, how many are inaccurate? It is possible that one person who has leveled an accusation at you is clueless, while another person has you pegged, despite neither displaying tact. Calls for civility and decorum are nice, but when the expectation of tact becomes so stifling that the truth can no longer be directly expressed, people will eventually toss good manners aside and engage directly. No, it doesn't make things cordial, but a level of congeniality and good manners can be expected only once a certain level of agreement and...