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The prodigal son returns

Good morning boys and girls. I got my first computer back in October of 1997.  I signed up for free internet with NetZero, loaded up Netscape Navigator, and through a sequence of events, now lost to the mists of memory, stumbled upon the exi list,...  and found a home in the transhumanist tribe.  I had a wonderful time with youse guys. For 16 years I came to the clubhouse every day until, in June of 2013, I bid you farewell and ventured out into the world to seek my fortune.  "And what have you seen, my blue eyed boy?" Now, I return with tales to tell of the wonders I have seen and the adventures I have had,... and am having. So settle in, and be amazed. I was once a man of modest means, wont to describe myself as "independently austere".  A late-night denizen of the undergraduate library at UC Berkeley -- it's open till 3 in the morning!  A person of no importance.  A wise ass underachiever, lazy, opinionated, self-indulgent and self-absorbe...

MAGA time

Looking back on the economic and military catastrophe of the last 30 years, when the government was in the hands of the putatively "stable and balanced", I would ask: What is stable and balanced, who is stable and balanced, and just what strategy -- mass murder across the face of the planet as a means, a failed means, of "rescuing" people and installing the godhead of democracy,... vs something... (anything)... else -- will give human beings on this planet safety and prosperity? What is this "Presidential temperament" that we hear so much about, that serves as a measure of the qualification for that office? A willingness to calmly commit mass murder beyond our shores? A willingness to convert our own citizens into cattle for the benefit of the wealthy of the world? Is that it? Could this possibly be an error? Could this possibly be the reason our country has been reduced to chaotic bitterness, a looted despotic shell? Could it be that what humanity need...

Moment of Truth: Trumpinator or Trump-the-Pussy

As I have written here and elsewhere, President Swamp Drainer needs to get control of the DoJ. He got rid of Comey, which was good, but got Rosenstein and Mueller in response, which was bad. Meanwhile Jeff Sessions is twiddling his thumbs re the Russia witch hunt. Perhaps Session's recusal was appropriate, but he’s not doing anything at all regarding Swamp Draining. So it appears his support for Trump is a bit disingenuous.  Could it be that he's just an old guard GOPer, who wants to give the impression of being a Trump supporter, but who's real intent is to obstruct progress.? He's done little more than drag his feet, covering his do-nothing intent behind a front of  law-enforcement community boosterism.  Is this the GOP plan, to stall until 2020, when it can then point at Trump’s failures (failures they have enabled by their stalling, wink wink) and then campaign to take “their” party back.? In short, Sessions may just be an anti-Trump “mole” planted in the sing...

Political Self-Immolation

"What is relevant is Donald Jr's INTENT. In his email response (I am paraphrasing, but you can verify) he says, if the offer of dirt on Hillary is true, I love it! The intent behind this statement is loud and clear." I agree with you that this is the heart of the matter, and like you I am surprised that the so few of the anti-Trump people have zeroed in on this crucial element. Good on you for bringing it front and center. Let's take a look. Trump jr gets an email that says, "We've got dirt on HRC from the Russian govt, and we want to share it with you as part of Russia/Putin's effort to help Trump win the presidency." (This may not be absolutely the precise wording, but this will be the most aggressive/damning "parsing".) Then Trump jr says, "I love it, bring it on." This will be spun as Trump jr declaring his willingness and his INTENT (your caps) to collude, and as the very first substantive act in the process of collusi...

The Trump enigma explained

Snagged for posterity from: Upon witnesing President Trump's CNN smackdown tweet today, I was left making much the same facial expression Laurence Fishburn makes at the end of The Matrix when he realizes Neo truly is The One. Long has MPC and the greater alt-right waxed rhapsodic over Trump's many paradigm-shifting qualities, but today was the first day I truly saw him for what he is: Trump is not just a Chad, he is The Chad, in much the same way top-level Taoists claim to become the Tao. This is the key to understanding his behavior and why he appears to so effortlessly triumph over legions of incredibly well-financed yet morally-bereft, insidious bugpeople. If you were to combine every star high school quarterback and Ray-Ban clad summer lifeguard into one, you still would not be scratching the surface of the Pure Chadism that flows through Donald Trump's veins at any giv...

Letter to progressives: Jimmy Dore

If progressives would stroke this guy instead of hating on him, you could get everything you want. His detractors declare from the rooftops that he's a narcissist, in love with himself, the archetypal "young man from Nantucket", So lavish him with praise, affirmation, .... adulation even would be good, and he should give it up for you like a prom queen. I mean Jeez guys, have some imagination. This is a glass-half-full opportunity, and rather than taking it, you're turning him over to the Neocons. "On matters of policy, Trump cited waiting times at the VA before offering a solution: “If they have a nine-day wait,” Trump asked rhetorically, “why don’t they just go see a doctor and our country will pay the doctor? It’s really the least expensive thing that could happen. [We would] have to go out and negotiate some good prices with good doctors … Why don’t we do...

Are you ready to rumble?

Obama was a phony and a weakling from the start. His war-mongering, and his appointment of HRC as Secretary of State were fully intentional, and consequently he deserves the indictment that ought to be issued. Barack declared at the start of his presidency that he would "look forward not back". That was his signal to the "Establishment" that he was one of them (or wanted to be) and would protect them. Trump's not a white-man-insider-wannabe. He's not interested in the DC Club Dickless. He's the big dog, the maestro of Club Trump, the only club that matters. Trump is the agent of benevolent destruction. He's bent on sweeping away the old, corrupt political order and rebuilding America and stamping it with the Trump brand. Magnificent ego! None but Trump voters like that one bit, but hey,... he won. Suck on that. Life's a bitch sometimes. Manhood is back! Trump said he wanted "to get along with Russia", and ever since then th...
Galactus-36215 writes: Tell us what Trump has done for the “American working man” since he’s been in office? The only thing I can think of is withdrawing from TPP. But beyond that, what else? He’s proposing kicking 23M working men/woman off of healthcare insurance. How does that ‘help’ them? This -- your entire post -- is exactly the kind of Kool-Aid inspired ignorance I'm talking about. First, the presidency is a four year job, and in Trump's case he's working against the comprehensive obstruction of practically everyone in the upper ten percent plus the noisy pc/snowflake zombies, plus the IC spook army of the one percent.   Which has been going on since July of 2016. They've been fighting him for ten months, while he's only been in the big chair, with the -- hobbled -- power of the executive, for four months. And you're giving him a hard time!? Already!? This is going to be a long slog.  First, Trump has to get settled in, then he has to learn the w...

Treason at the Washington Post

The Washington Post is owned by Bezos, who has a 10 year $650 million contract with the CIA for internet services.  The Democratic party, the deep state, the media, and the intelligence community -- the CIA et al -- have all been working tirelessly from election-day-plus-one to bring down the Trump presidency.  They have placed their bets on the "treasonous cooperation with the Russian enemy" storyline as the centerpiece of the delegitimization/path-to-impeachment effort.  A media defamation storm -- "Russian interference!", "Russian hacking!", "Russian collusion!" -- has been pumped relentlessly across the airwaves and in print since the Obama Admin assigned Comey and the FBI in July 2016 to investigate putatively "suspicious" connections between Russia and the Trump campaign et al. The campaign of delegitimization has continued, and even intensified, despite eight months of investigation without a shred of evidence emerging to suppo...

Something worth saving

Something worth saving Daganawida's poetic comments to the article:                   ****************************************************  what do you kill for? Ahh you bomb In the name of democracy They kill in the name Of islam Who is the greater fool? Tell the orphan Now he’s free Free to walk without mother Without his dad Without a home He must thank the usa Or does he thank the taliban Tell the homeless You’ve wrecked the place Slaughtered so many And now you will leave Go do the same Down the road Till you globally suppress All those who say no Leave them a bill Like you just did cambodia Turn your back On the struggling refugees You've created Convince yourself The darkness is light Bad is good(for you of course) overseas victims Not even human enough to be your poolboy Scorn the dead you’ve killed ...

Sunshine on the Suck-ups

In response to an article -- "a splendid little war could end Trump's presidency" --  by Jim Jatras Jatras is a perfect example of the comprehensive cluelessnesss of the political class. Here, on display is the reason US foreign policy has been a flat out disaster for the last thirty years. Generations in the echo chamber of foreign policy "expertise", where the rule is bobble-headed yes-man servility and craven obsequiousness to the interests of the 1%, has lead US foreign policy to a place where an enforced and self-reinforcing notion of "expertise" is in fact zombified incompetence. Trump is in the big chair. That Jatras cannot see him except through the lens of "a shallow, superficial, unqualified Twitter-addicted unstable personality who never should have been allowed into the Oval Office..." clearly indicates that a war for the definition of ...

Let the punishment fit the crime

For five-thousand years the Jews have crapped on everyone they have encountered and been logically and predictably despised and chased off or killed. THAT is the cause of anti-Semitism. The cause for modern Islamophobia or Islam-hatred on the other hand is that the Muslims are fighting back against the Jewish criminal invasion of Palestine. The Zionist Jews have invaded, murdered, ethnically-cleansed the Palestinians from Palestinian lands and they have lied so successfully about these crimes that the citizens of the advanced West have come to believe that the Jews are all innocent and the Muslims are all evil. It's a total lie. A half century of propaganda notwithstanding, it's a lie. The Palestinians and their Muslim fellows object to Zionist crimes and seek rightly and justly to defend themselves. Anti-Nazism is just fine, right?, because the Nazis were criminals, right? Well, apply the same logic to Zionist criminals, and anti-Zionism, like anti-Nazism, becomes just...

Don't over-screw the little guy " Incivility. Honorable disagreement appears to be the exception rather than the rule. Depending on the day, I have been called a left-winger, a right-winger, a corporate shill, a "sniveling little demon," and (my personal favorite) "another Jew liar and deceiver [who] writes for Monsatan." Not to be curt, but of those accusations, how many are inaccurate? It is possible that one person who has leveled an accusation at you is clueless, while another person has you pegged, despite neither displaying tact. Calls for civility and decorum are nice, but when the expectation of tact becomes so stifling that the truth can no longer be directly expressed, people will eventually toss good manners aside and engage directly. No, it doesn't make things cordial, but a level of congeniality and good manners can be expected only once a certain level of agreement and...

revised version

*****REVISED VERSION: SANITIZED FOR THE CENSORS***** So let me suggest that the one- and two-state solutions are inside the box thinking, and both are non-starters. Kabuki to cover the real goal, that has been the real goal from the start of the Zionist project: all of Eretz Israel for the Jews, and the Arabs, well,... "erased", "disappeared", "not in the picture". It reminds me of the Gordian knot. Big-äss impossibly tangled and knotted giant ball of rope-like material. Legend held that he who untangled the Gordian knot would conquer the world. From "inside the box" it looked like an impossibility, like the Isräel/Pälestine problem. But Alexander the Great would not be confined to "the box", and took out his sword and chopped up the Gordian knot, and then went on to conquer the world. Most of the known world of the time.   Avnery, with all his sincerity is just fooling himself. Making himself feel good and just, ...

Hell on Wheels

The US is pushing ISIS out of Iraq and back into Syria. It's the latest gambit in pursuit of the original goal of Syrian regime change. But it's plan C or D -- Gotta do something, ... right? -- and "gotta do something" doesn't stand a chance of accomplishing anything substantial. It will likely make things a bit more difficult for Russia and Syria, but in the end it will probably backfire. My guess is that ISIS will adjust in some way. Perhaps they will make the Iraqis pay dearly for Mosul as they pull back, then wait yet again for the US to back away from Iraq, and then re-invade the Sunni area of Iraq were they have Sunni support, and humiliate the Iraqi army... again. The Pentagon failed its "mission" to build an Iraqi (Shiite) army. Failed utterly. They failed because they were indifferent as well as incompetent, for Sunni/Shia sectarian/tribal reasons, and because of corrupt Shia governance -- and will fail utterly... again, once the US pulls ba...

R.I.P. the Dem Party

The Dem part grew to prominence if not dominance starting with the labor movement of the thirties, and reached its peak in the post-war boom. But while the rest of the world was recovering from the devastation of WW2, and rebuilding and modernizing their productive systems, the US squandered the advantages of that moment, and chose not to modernize. Rather, the "glory" of victory in war having captivated the American populace, instead of heeding Eisenhower's warning about the MIC, allowed -- embraced even -- a national policy of hegemonic militarism and the imperial acquisition of wealth through military dominance. In adopting the atavistic national policy of wealth acquired through coercive dominance -- theft actually -- rather than by maintaining a lead in the race for ever more efficient methods of production, the US squandered every bit of post-war advantage. The MIC, with the help of the US govt, parasitized/looted the nation on behalf of the one-percent, leaving the...

Hobnail boots

You got it exactly right. Trump is a builder, not a "conqueror". His mindset is managerial not martial. He sees, as so many "people of intellect and morality" see, that the Soviet Union -- the Commie boogieman -- is now dead a quarter century, and that continuing to kick at the memory of that dead horse, or seeking to manufacture a replacement boogieman, only serves political ideologues and others with a personal stake in continued belligerence. It's pointless Kabuki and a huge waste of money. The crucial question is found in Justin's observation: "He’s pledged to take so much on in so short a time that even someone with so much energy is bound to get bogged down by relentless opposition from every quarter." Trump is indeed possessed of an incredible level of "energy". At seventy years old, with the vitality of a thirty-year old, he is a phenomenon . And when people are working ***WITH*** him, that energy is focused laser-l...

comment to UA's "two state solutuion is still the only game in town"

The two state solution is by no means the only game in town. But Uri Avnery can be forgiven for thinking it is, because as an unwilling Zionist he cannot see any other possibility. He cannot see beyond "Israel must have it Israel's way". The universe and the God of Zion declare it so. No other thought may enter the mind of man. No other thought exists. No other thought is possible. This is the Jewish delusion, amplified by the extremism of Zionism. It reminds me of the Gordian knot. Big-ass impossibly tangled and knotted giant ball of rope-like material. Legend held that he who untangled the Gordian knot would conquer the world. From "inside the box" it looked like an impossibility, like the Israel/Palestine problem. But Alexander the Great would not be confined to "the box", and took out his sword and chopped up the Gordian knot, and then went on to conquer the world. Well, at any rate, most of the known world of the time. So let me suggest that...

Dawn of the Trumpinator

I think the political assassins have misjudged, and gone after the wrong guy. He’s not a “go along to get along” kind of guy. Trump is a take-no-prisoners bad boy, schooled by Roy Cohn in the art of utterly destroying one’s adversaries. The Republican leftovers in particular think ***THEY*** won the election and that they, the old leadership are still in charge, and still playing the same old game of politics as usual, with Trump “the politician” co-opted, and set to go along with the old boys rule book: you know, kabuki without effectiveness, blaming the other side for nothing getting done, and a get-out-of-jail-free card for DC club members. But that’s not how it is. Trump is boss now, and the swamp will be drained, and the swamp creatures tamed or turned into high end leather goods. I think Trump is biding his time until he gets into the big chair with all the power that goes long with it, and that he will then descend on these transgressors like the wrath of god:indictments an...