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Showing posts from September, 2016

The Zionist cesspool: Syria today, America tomorrow

Response to some damn-fool-with-a-penis who calls himself "The Eagle".  I don't remember where. Flag-draped, Kool-Aid saturated patriot zombie spouting pure unadulterated "rah rah USA" propaganda, with a pinch of ye olde anti-Communism thrown in.  Not one original thought, not a single thought of your own.  A tribal robot. On behalf of Israel, the subverted US Govt, using State, the DOD, and the CIA, created the war in Syria.  You got that, douchebag?  The war in Syria is an illegal war of aggression, using proxy terrorist mercenaries -- al Qaeda and ISIS -- to overthrow the legitimate govt of Syria.  Every single death resulting from that war, every single refugee fleeing for their lives from the US created horror, every single one, is a criminal act for which Bush/Cheney/Obama/Clinton -- following the Neocon program -- are culpable. Syria/Assad are fighting a totally legitimate defensive war against the criminal monsters sicced on them by the US/U...

The US makes a "mistake"

War is a nasty business.  Quaint notions to the contrary, there are no rules save one: win.  The Aleppo rebels and their supporters could have peace, safety, and full bellies on the instant: just walk away.  Wave a white handkerchief and surrender.  It's as simple as that.  Otherwise stay there and die. The "rebels" were stupid to let the US (acting as Israel's stooge) dupe them into helping in a failed criminal regime change enterprise.  They trusted the US (!!!!!!), and now they're screwed(surprise! surprise!): ruled by fundamentalist Islamic head-choppers, bombed and starved by the government they and their Saudi and Turkish "friends" tried to destroy.  (This is your brain on fundamentalist Islam -- or fundamentalist anything, for that matter.) For five years Deir ez-Zor remained under Syrian government control and the Jebel Tharda hill-top military position provided protection for  the area.  Five years they were there, and the US, w...

Whistling past the graveyard

In the Zionist-controlled Economist, responding to the article "Pepe and the Stormtroopers",  hasbaroid zombie  daydreambeviva, daydreams his Zionist exceptionalist mythology, whistling past the graveyard: "Israel chooses not to be destroyed." To which I respond: Like a person with cancer chooses not to die. The internet freed up the truth about Jewish/Zionist supremacism. The geopolitical crime-in-progress that is "Israel": the theft of Palestine, genocidal war against the Palestinians in particular, the Arabs in general, and the Muslim world broadly (actually the entire Goyische world) is now revealed from behind the curtain of the Jewish-controlled MSM Zionist mythology. The truth of Zionist savagery now stands revealed to the world. Enjoy your moment in the sun. The rest of the world sees your criminal acts and recognizes the unrestrained nature of Zionist aggressiveness. For Five thousand years the Jewish nature has remained the same: un-s...

The Celebrity Death Match of the Millennium!

The Saudis -- ***NOT IRAN*** -- are the world's leading state sponsors of terrorism and facilitated the 911 attacks. The Saudi oligarchs fund the Wahhabi clerics who run the madrasas across the Muslim world that train the extremist jihadi fighters that spread radical Islamic terror worldwide. The 911 attack was an act of war -- the "Pearl Harbor" -- used cynically by the Neocons as an excuse to destroy Iraq, while the real culprits, the Saudis, were given a pass, the "28 pages", "the smoking gun", held back. And let's not forget the near certainty that the Israelis had foreknowledge of the coming attack and held back that vital information from their American "ally". The Zionist subversion of the US Govt by the Neocons and AIPAC -- Israeli agents -- places beyond the realm of imagining even the mere suggestion of a casus belli case against Israel, no matter the facts: "Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? ...

The Trump Era begins

From the Washington Post Morell and Vickers: An open letter to Donald Trump These intelligence community flacks are professional liars from the Professional Liars Institute(the CIA). Believing them is an act of infantile gullibility, and in this case gullibility abetted by a longing for the old days of the anti-commie hate fest addiction. These spook boosters want the gravy train of perpetual war to continue. Trump sees endless war as both dangerous and wasteful, and an artificially pumped up antagonism with Russia and China as unnecessary, stupid, dangerous, and wasteful and will seek to put an end to it. The spooky boys feel threatened. A dearth of credible boogiemen means unemployment and loss of prestige for death-worshippers of every stripe. So naturally they are applying their "trade-craft" of mind-rape to forestall the looming threat of peace.   Yet there is hope -- the success of the Trump "movement" in spite of comprehensive MSM opposition is suggesti...

The Great Oblunder

The article in was entitled Obama to Veto 9/11 Lawsuit Bill We shall see what we shall see. I can only hope that this action by Obama will the blunder that stains his legacy forever. Call it the "Oblunder".   Surely the Republican-dominated Congress will override this veto. The long-concealed 28 Pages now revealed, show that the world's leading State sponsor of terrorism is in fact Saudi Arabia not Iran. This clear fact, suppressed for over a decade, now reveals the corruption of the American government and the capture of The American Nation by the ruling class, a variety of special interests and corrupted American institutions. The truth of the Saudi origins of both the 9/11 attacks and worldwide terrorism stand now in clear view of the American people.   Obama must be insane to imagine that this will be approved by the American people. My guess is, that this is a signal to the establishment that Obama is one of them, and he's angling for his cu...

Can Israel now be sued for its "terrorist" attack on the USS Liberty?

The following is a comment posted to the article House Unanimously Passes Saudi 9/11 Lawsuit Bill I was responding to another comment cascade which went: Ricardo Cabeza :  USS Liberty survivors and families can finally sue Israel!  to which masmanz  replied:  masmanz :  They were attacked by Israeli military not by terrorists. It is terrorism only if done by non-state actors. This bill will not allow harmed Iraqis to sue the US government. Whereupon I commented: I doubt this "technicality" will matter. What will matter is whether or not Americans were killed. That will be enough for the legal process to be initiated. After that the usual political "thumb on the scales" will doubtless be applied. What favors the case against Israel for the USS Liberty attack is the "special status" -- the "patriotism amplification factor" if you will -- afforded murdered American military personnel. Also, with the internet providing ac...