Response to some damn-fool-with-a-penis who calls himself "The Eagle". I don't remember where. Flag-draped, Kool-Aid saturated patriot zombie spouting pure unadulterated "rah rah USA" propaganda, with a pinch of ye olde anti-Communism thrown in. Not one original thought, not a single thought of your own. A tribal robot. On behalf of Israel, the subverted US Govt, using State, the DOD, and the CIA, created the war in Syria. You got that, douchebag? The war in Syria is an illegal war of aggression, using proxy terrorist mercenaries -- al Qaeda and ISIS -- to overthrow the legitimate govt of Syria. Every single death resulting from that war, every single refugee fleeing for their lives from the US created horror, every single one, is a criminal act for which Bush/Cheney/Obama/Clinton -- following the Neocon program -- are culpable. Syria/Assad are fighting a totally legitimate defensive war against the criminal monsters sicced on them by the US/U...