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Showing posts from June, 2016

Trump and the "Big Dog" instinct

My response to a comment by Thomas Knapp, Moderator at, to his comment re: by Justin Raimondo                                        **************************************************** Trump is a builder not a destroyer. He has already indicated he doesn't approve of the Neocons and their policy, doesn't approve of NATO, particularly a NATO that rips off the US taxpayer on behalf of Neocons/Neoliberals with a war-dependent profit center, doesn't see the sense in adversarial belligerence with Russia and China rather than a mutually beneficial, constructive and cooperative relationship, and has stated that the greatest threat to humanity lies in the immense destructive power of modern weaponry. While Trump has declared himself "the most miltaristic", he has made it clear that the inten...

A Trump fragment - draft

Excellent post Dan, and indeed you got it right. Mr. Trump is courting danger if he is seen to be making peace with the establishment Republicans.  That is, peace on any other terms than "the Trump way or the highway", because these are exactly the political parasites whose screams of pain at Trump's success have motivated so many voters across the political spectrum to side with Trump. I come away from the last few days of this "reunification" effort with a uneasy feeling of suspicion and dismay.  Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are the establishment political species I despise, and the hostile takeover of the Republican Party by Trump the source of my enthusiastic support. Obviously, Trump has done quite well so far, his political instincts near-perfect, he is a natural.   But now that he's transitioning from the primary campaign to the general, there's ample opportunity for him to stumble.   So far, his wrecking-ball style and tone have been fabu...

Time to drop that bomb, Donald

From the comments to: Saudi FM Backs State Dept Call for Syria Regime Change State Dept: No Plans to Make Memo Calling for War Public by Jason Ditz, June 17, 2016 Richard Young wrote: As I recall it, the 9/11 attacks were made by 19 Al Qaeda terrorists, 15 of which were Saudis and ZERO were Syrians. The Syrian government is secular and is under armed attack by the Saudis; by mostly Sunni extremist groups (Al Nusra and ISIS, both of which emerged from Al Qaeda) who follow the teachings of Wahabi Sunni extremist clerics in Saudi Arabia. If our US Government has any justification for supporting "regime change" in the Middle East, the prime target ought to be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and not Syria. The Syrian regime has done absolutely nothing to harm US interests, unlike Saudi Arabia which has spread violent Sunni extremism all over the planet. And I replied : ...

Let the games begin

I like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson a lot, but I'm not insane, with or without my vote, they are not going to win. If you can suggest some reality-based path to a victory for either of these, I'm listening. If not, unpalatable as it may be, it's either Trump or Clinton. We know the horror we're in store for with Clinton. With Trump we have the Republican-primary performance, his New Yorker-style bluntness-verging-on-rudeness, and the establishment smear campaign of unsavory conjurations -- partisan exaggerations, amusing but unpersuasive to all but the Kool-Aid saturated (of both the left and the right). What a spectacle! And now for a bit of cynicism. If we have to get perpetually screwed by a phony, corrupt, incompetent, self-absorbed political class obsequiously in thrall to the 1% et al, the least they can do is up the entertainment value. And this electoral season we are being treated to a star-studded American Electoral Circus Spectacular: The American Presiden...

"Why?", the essential question

This comment was posted to both Asia Times Online and PJ Media where G*ldman/Sp*ngler publishes, in this case: "How Anti-Semitism Became Respectable Again". But someone(G*ldman?) couldn't handle it and the comment was deleted from both sites.  Fortunately Disqus saved it.  So I've retrieved it and will repost it with asterisks -- * -- to avoid the moderation filters,...hopefully.  Poor Mr. G*ldman, and oh, the poor long-suffering Jews! (Just to be clear, I'm an American and a Jew, and proud of both.) The post-holocaust sympathy, and media prohibition against criticism of Jewish behavior -- historic and current -- has come to an end. The internet has set it free. The truth is out, and no amount of tedious argumentation can keep it from the (all-important) American eyeballs. The wind of truth blows away the smoke of propaganda no matter how abundant. The question is so obvious, so logical, so clearly the proverbial "elephant in the room". It is amon...

Trump America is coming

After sixteen years of gloom, understandably depressed, one Zachary Smith writes,  " I’ve been forced to admit to myself that unless some sort of miracle happens, Hillary is going to become President of the United States." Whereupon, I attempt to brighten his outlook.  The clouds of dark despair brought on by sixteen years of failed governance is coming to an end.  Get ready to feel good again America.   Calm yourself, miracles happen, Trump will win in a landslide. From now to the Repub convention, Trump will pound on Hillary for her record of arrogance, incompetence, and failure. Then, when he has the nomination signed and irrevocably in his pocket, he will declare himself the new owner of the Republican brand, and reinvent the party as the party of Trump, a centrist/populist party of Main Street, of the working man/woman. Right wing extremists will cleave off (or stay on board out of force of habit or fear of abandonment in the political wilderness)...

The storm is coming

Once more into the breach. Gary, a commenter to Anti-war article: Susan Rice Assures Israel of ‘Largest Military Aid Package in American History’ Where weakling and Zionist suck-up Obama goes bend-over-America-Netanyahu-wants-to-roger-you-yet-again and pledges more billions for Israel. "Gary" -- if that's his real name -- responds, " I'm proud of my country for helping countries like Israel that are the victims of aggression." To which I reply: What a Hasbara tool.. Israel/Zionists have subverted the US -- hijacked the government. Neocon -- ie Israeli agents -- have taken over the executive through DC Neocon think tanks, and taken over -- bought, bribed, threatened -- the Legislature through AIPAC-funneled Jewish Israel-firster money.   The American people are now Israel's bitch, as Israel loots the US treasury an...