[A comment posted to Military.com] Because this is Military dot com, where they don't believe in any truth that is not the US-Military-approved-truth, which of course is no truth at all.... The military -- any military -- is a top-down, control-obsessed, totalitarian, Orwellian, death cult. They try to dress themselves up as good guys, because they actually want to be good guys, but they can't alter the ancient truth: humans have an instinct for violence that they have never been able to contain, and some males who are both charismatic and over the top psychotic, can cast a spell over other almost-as-psychotic males -- especially when they're all hungry or pussy-deprived -- and the whole gang will go out on a rampage of killing and raping and pillaging. This being the case, every orderly and peaceful community must needs have a group of stalwarts to defend against such "enemies", but sadly, those "stalwarts" are possessed of the same ferocious in...