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Showing posts from 2015

Right to exist, right to self-defense.....not!

The following is a post I made to The Algemeiner, an online Jewish publication, in response to "Golda Meir was no J-Streeter", Like many Jewish publications The Algemeiner has a limited tolerance for the truth when the truth is critical of Israel and its supporters, and so, not surprisingly, the comment was deleted by "moderation". I reprint it here for your consideration. ************************** Make no mistake, I’m an American and a Jew. For those of you thoroughly infected with the Judiasm-destroying poison of Zionism, here is the antidote to your Kool-aid dreams. Drink deeply and wake up to reality. We often hear the phrase “Israel’s right to exist” and along with it, “Israel’s right to self-defense.” Hear them endlessly, by propagandists who repeat them endlessly. But endless repetition does not make a thing true. The phantom “legiti...

RT deletion re Assange

It seems I have run afoul of some moderation standard, though for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. My comment was smart and funny and truthful and,... and now it's gone. I used no foul language, I spoke disparagingly of the premier American intelligence agency, and I spoke approvingly for the most part of Julian Assange. I'm no troll, but apparently it seems so to the man behind the curtain -- don't you just hate the anonymity of censorship by moderation? Wouldn't you rather that they had the courage to stand in the sunlight when they arrogate to themselves the right to cancel your freedom of speech? -- the man behind the curtain saw fit to erase me from the record. Will this comment get past the hidden gatekeepers? I suspect not, because of what I'm about to do next? But then you can never tell. If anyone cares to view the deleted comment it can be found on my blog,  “whimsical dog” at: And if, perchance the ...

The mess "we" made in Iraq (also Libya, Syria, and Iran)

Re: the mess "we" made in Iraq (also Libya, Syria, and Iran) “... if we help create a mess, we also have to clean it up.” This is a commonly held misconception, one that I've been waiting for an opportunity to correct, extinguish actually. So if you would, help me to spread this, my corrective meme, far and wide because its target, the above malicious piece of illogic, like a deeply embedded tick, needs to be cut out and the wound cleaned and cauterized. This notion, that you have to “clean up the mess” -- the mess you made -- came to prominence with Colin Powell's Pottery Barn rule, where you will no doubt recall it took the form “If you break it you own it”. (What hogwash!, but I'll get to that directly.) look closely though, look for the Imperial label, some unwarranted baggage, rhetorical scar, an imperial “tic”, the remnant of a bygone age of Imperial presumption that cannot be shed and so is carried along like a carelessly trundled corpse tra...

Twice rejected post to Mondoweiss

The following post was twice submitted as a comment  to Mondoweiss in response to " Obama ushers in the crisis of the Israel lobby ",, on Aug 7th and then again on Aug 8th 2015, and subsequently rejected by the moderators. I post it here so that it should remain available for viewing, and I leave it for the reader to judge whether it deserves to be censored. *************************************************************** Sadly, Israel has become the path to "yet again". [I was responding to a comment that used the phrase "never again".] And the horrible tragic irony is that the American Jewish community, so central in Israel's "survival", has become the enabler, now fully complicit, in Israel's crimes.  Adding to this tragedy is the fact that they fell into this fateful role unwittingly by virtue of a combination of tribal loyalty and a hopeful, optimistic,...

Truth is the first casualty

From RT,... and my comment. ISIS leader reportedly raped American hostage Right.  And then we have Saddam's al Qaeda connections, Saddam's WMDs, the mushroom cloud smoking gun, the Tonkin Gulf incident, incubator babies, Gaddafi gives viagra to his black African troops, Iran wants nukes, Iran’s psycho mullahs will nuke Israel the moment they have the bomb, Assad used chemical weapons in Ghouta, Saddam's chemical weapons drones 45 minutes from U.S. shores, …. the list is endless, and it’s all bull. Truth is the first casualty.   War is a nasty business. Soldiers are inevitably above the law.  “Enemy” civilians are killed indiscriminately, both accidentally and intentionally, and the women of the enemy are utterly unprotected and consequently raped arbitrarily depending on the whim of the individual soldier.  Thes...